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API / website uptime & performance monitoring platform.

See also:



According to Go 1.5 Vendor experiment, all dependencies are stored in the vendor directory. This approach is called vendoring and is the best practice for Go projects to lock versions of dependencies in order to achieve reproducible builds.

To update dependencies during development:

make update-deps

To install dependencies:

make install-deps


If you are developing on OSX, install etcd, Postgres:

brew install etcd
brew install postgres

You might want to create a Postgres database:

createuser --createdb pinglist
createdb -U pinglist pinglist

Load a development configuration into etcd:

curl -L http://localhost:2379/v2/keys/config/pinglist.json -XPUT -d value='{
    "Database": {
        "Type": "postgres",
        "Host": "localhost",
        "Port": 5432,
        "User": "pinglist",
        "Password": "",
        "DatabaseName": "pinglist",
        "MaxIdleConns": 5,
        "MaxOpenConns": 5
    "Oauth": {
        "AccessTokenLifetime": 3600,
        "RefreshTokenLifetime": 1209600,
        "AuthCodeLifetime": 3600
    "AWS": {
        "Region": "us-west-2",
        "AssetsBucket": "prod.pinglist.assets",
        "APNSPlatformApplicationARN": "apns_platform_application_arn",
        "GCMPlatformApplicationARN": "gcm_platform_application_arn"
    "Facebook": {
        "AppID": "facebook_app_id",
        "AppSecret": "facebook_app_secret"
    "Sendgrid": {
        "APIKey": "sendgrid_api_key"
    "Stripe": {
        "SecretKey": "stripe_secret_key",
        "PublishableKey": "stripe_publishable_key"
    "Slack": {
        "Username": "webhookbot",
        "Emoji": ""
    "Web": {
        "AppScheme": "http",
        "AppHost": "localhost:8000"
    "Pinglist": {
        "PasswordResetLifetime": 604800,
        "ContactEmail": ""
    "IsDevelopment": true

Run migrations:

go run main.go migrate

And finally, run the app:

go run main.go runserver

When deploying, you can set ETCD_HOST and ETCD_PORT environment variables.

Test Data

You might want to insert some test data if you are testing locally using curl examples from this README:

go run main.go loaddata \
	oauth/fixtures/scopes.yml \
	oauth/fixtures/test_clients.yml \
	oauth/fixtures/test_users.yml \
	accounts/fixtures/roles.yml \
	accounts/fixtures/test_accounts.yml \
	accounts/fixtures/test_users.yml \
	subscriptions/fixtures/plans.yml \
	alarms/fixtures/regions.yml \
	alarms/fixtures/alarm_states.yml \


I have used a mix of unit and functional tests so you need to have sqlite installed in order for the tests to run successfully as the suite creates an in-memory database.

Set the STRIPE_KEY environment variable to match your test private key, then run make test:



Build a Docker image and run the app in a container:

docker build -t pinglist-api .
docker run -e ETCD_HOST=localhost -e ETCD_PORT=2379 -p 6060:8080 pinglist-api

You can load fixtures with docker exec command:

docker exec <container_id> /go/bin/pinglist-api loaddata \
	oauth/fixtures/scopes.yml \
	accounts/fixtures/roles.yml \
	subscriptions/fixtures/plans.yml \
	alarms/fixtures/regions.yml \
	alarms/fixtures/alarm_states.yml \
	alarms/fixtures/incident_types.yml \
	oauth/fixtures/test_clients.yml \

You can also execute interactive commands by passing -i flag:

docker exec -i <container_id> /go/bin/pinglist-api createaccount
docker exec -i <container_id> /go/bin/pinglist-api createsuperuser


First, cut a release using script. If you make a mistake, you can re-run the script as it will force push tags.

./ v0.0.0 --no-dry-run

Second, build a release using script. It will build a Docker image, tag it and push it to S3 bucket bucket. It might take a while depending on your connection speed as gzipped image is about 270MB.

./ v0.0.0 --no-dry-run


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