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JetSpot Blog App is a modern and elegant Android application that allows you to create and share your own blogs with the world. It is built using Jetpack Compose, the new declarative UI toolkit for Android that simplifies and accelerates UI development.


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Jetspot Blog App

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Simple Example of Ktor Client, Material 3 and Navigation compose

Jetspot blog app is demonstrate the basics of Ktor Client . Navigation in Compose and interact with Android material 3 design


  • Read: Users can browse and read blog posts on various topics that have been published on the app.
  • Create: Users can create new blog posts by filling out a form with a title, content, category.
  • Update: Users can edit their existing blog posts, including updating the title, content and categories. This allows them to make corrections, add new information, or update outdated content.
  • Delete: Users can delete their own blog posts if they wish to remove them from the app.

These features allow users to easily consume and create content on the blog app, while also providing flexibility for managing their posts.

Dependencies used

  • androidx.navigation:navigation-compose
  • androidx.compose.material3:material3
  • io.ktor:ktor-client-android
  • androidx.compose.ui:ui


Here a video demonstrating the app:


Video Thumbnail


To install the app, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone
  2. Open the project in Android Studio
  3. Build and run the app on your device or emulator

For security reasons it will remove the BASE_API_url from app. to protect data from spam content.

Note for readers:

I wanted to bring your attention to the fact that the code you have written does not follow best practices for production. While it may work in a development environment, it could cause issues when deployed to production.

To ensure that our product performs optimally and with minimal downtime, it's important to adhere to established best practices. This includes using proper coding standards, following industry conventions, and ensuring that the code is properly tested before deployment.

I would be happy to discuss this further with you and provide some suggestions on how we can improve the quality of our code.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


JetSpot Blog App is a modern and elegant Android application that allows you to create and share your own blogs with the world. It is built using Jetpack Compose, the new declarative UI toolkit for Android that simplifies and accelerates UI development.







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