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Starter project with ES6 + Express + Mongoose + JWT auth

This project aims to be a fast starter for NodeJS REST APIs, offering a pre-configured stack with clean code and simple logic. With this, in a matter of seconds you put an API up and running.

  • ES6 (Babel)
  • Express
  • Mongoose ODM
  • JWT auth (Passport.js)
  • Loads environment variables from .env
  • Nodemon for restarting when code changes
  • ESLint + Prettier + Airbnb styles already set up
  • Morgan for request logs

Getting started

First, you will need to have a up and running MongoDB server. Then, do as follows:

  1. Clone this repo and cd into it.
  2. Do yarn for installing dependencies.
  3. Create a .env file like this:
    NODE_ENV = dev
    PORT = 3000
    MONGO_URL = mongodb://
    JWT_SECRET = 2eKhpZ6QebcJwde7wgAr0ZJACwckK3UorHZlgCXc1oWowD3JUWKXxtUu4HxE9Er 
    There is a env_example file that you can just rename and edit. Note that MONGO_URL is the MongoDB connection string and JWT_SECRET is a secret for JWT tokens, that you should generate for each API. You can use for generating the secret.
  4. Then, to run, you have these commands:
    • yarn dev to start in dev mode, with auto refresh.
    • yarn build to generate a production optimized version.
    • yarn start to start the production optimized version.


This project includes authentication using Passport.js that relies on Mongoose. To create a user, do a post request to /auth/register with params email and password. Then, a user will be created on database. To sign this user in, do a post request to /auth/login with params email and password, and the response will include a token, in JWT format. To authenticate routes, use passport.authenticate("jwt") as middleware on the router, like this:

router.get("/", passport.authenticate("jwt"), (req, res) => {
  return res.json(req.user);

or to have optional authentication on a route, use also the anonymous strategy, like this:

router.get("/", passport.authenticate(["jwt", "anonymous"]), (req, res) => {
  return res.json(req.user); // returns user if authenticated, or null if not

More details

In the project folder, inside src, you will find controllers and models. On controllers there is a index.js file that loads controllers from other files on the same folder, using it at the defined route. On models there is a index.js file that loads models on the same folder. To create a new model, you create a file on models and exports it from models/index.js. To create a new controller, you create a file on controllers import on controllers/index.js and load the route. In both cases, there is a user/auth model/controller that you can use as example.


  • Renan Galeno




Fast starter for NodeJS REST APIs with ES6, Express, Mongoose, JWT auth and other cool things already set up.






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