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DAFHTFGY - Did Adrián Finish His TFG Yet? Probably no

This unpronounceable project is a simple and gentle reminder bot for @ClockworkAdriem to work on his TFG—Spanish acronym for End-of-Degree Project.

How does it work?

  • On a daily basis, the bot awaits for commits until a random hour between 12:00 and 18:00.
  • If no commits are pushed to the repository, a reckless no message will be tweeted.
  • In the expremely unexpected event of finding a new commit, we will be rewarded with an encouraging progress tweet!
  • If there was a commit this day and no no message has been tweeted yet, no no message will be tweeted until reset.

The bot resets every day, obviously.

GitHub PUSH webhook

Follow these steps to setup the push webhook:

  1. Go to Settings > Webhooks.
  2. Click on Add webhook.
  3. Set Payload URL (ask me).
  4. Set Content type to application/json.
  5. Set Secret (ask me too).
  6. Let Just the push event. option enabled.
  7. Make sure Active is checked.
  8. Finally, hit Add webhook and we are GTG.

Twitter Application

There is a twitter bot (@DAFHTFGY) that feeds from this application.


The following environment variables are used within the application:

Variable Default value
port 8080 TCP Port where the application will be listening for requests
loglevel info Logging level, one of: silent, error, warn, info, debug, all
interval 0 0 * * * Cron interval for the bot to reset, everyday at 00:00 by default
github_secret Secret that should be shared between the server and github for signing webhook events
consumer_key Twitter Application key
consumer_secret Twitter Application secret
access_token_key Twitter Application access token
access_token_secret Twitter Application access token secret