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Releases: ReactionMechanismGenerator/ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl

ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.4.0

16 Aug 17:29
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  • Add support for electrochemistry
  • Enable gas-surface multi-domain simulations
  • Add tools and algorithms for EdgeAnalysis
  • Fixed bug with ReverseDiff.jl when running Adjoint sensitivity analysis
  • miscellaneous bugfixes

ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.3.2

19 Jan 01:08
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Fix compatibility issues

ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.3.1

18 Jan 23:34
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-RMS extended to be able to run multi-domain simualtions
-Bugfixes related to pyrms and analytic jacobians
-Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis fully functional and optimized
-radical ROP plots added

ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.3.0

25 Aug 11:56
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-Kinetics vectorization and general performance improvements: factor of 5-6x improvements on domains where rate coefficients need recomputed
-Forward sensitivity analysis reimplemented and adjoint sensitivity analysis added
-Clean up in Domain.jl
-add ConstantTADomain for catalyst sites
-Sparse reformulation of Domains
-Analytic Jacobians
-require python 3.7

ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.2.1

20 Jul 20:27
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Compatibility Improvements

  • Dierckx swapped for SmoothingSplines
  • Compatibility requirements loosened

ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.2.0

16 Jul 23:28
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-added ParametrizedVDomain, ParametrizedPDomain, ParametrizedTPDomain and ParametrizedTConstantVDomain
-add radical awareness
-improve flux diagram visuals
-fix bug in diffusion limit calculations
-update to match new pycall attribute access
-add inlet and outlet interfaces for reactors
-simplify dependencies

ReactionMechanismSimulator v0.1.0

13 Jan 04:44
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Initial ReactionMechanismSimulator version
-Includes extensive library of rate and thermodynamic property calculators
-Some calculators for viscosity and diffusion
-Includes constant T & P and constant V adiabatic batch reactors
-Includes flux diagram generation
-Includes diffusion limited rates
-Includes constant concentration species
-Basic simulation tools for plotting mole fractions and sensitivities
-Sensitivity analysis for all models
-Jacobians calculated by default using automatic differentiation