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Continued Development

Anirudh Sanjeev edited this page Jan 31, 2015 · 1 revision

Is RazorFlow still in development?

The short answer: Yes, but not as actively as before.

RazorFlow Framework was started and evolved from 2010 to be a single and comprehensive solution to build dashboards. Unfortunately due to some reasons, we are no longer able to develop and support this product full time, and the commercial product has been released as open source.

That said, due to the considerable amount of time we have invested in building this, we feel it is only fair if the world benefits from our work. We are making the framework freely available and will continue to improve it and guide others to make their own contributions and improvements to it.

Hiatus in development from November 2014 - January 2015

Due to changes in the organization and certain personal restrictions and decisions of the developers, the project entered a hiatus for 3 months from November 2014 to January 2015. February 2015 marks the time when RazorFlow will get actively developed again.


While there won't be an option for priority paid support, we will strive to answer questions on the forum regularly.

Changes in the way RazorFlow will work

We are aiming to make RazorFlow a project which will continue to remain open source. But we will also opt to have higher degrees of transparency and accountability to the project. This will mean that the community will be able to take a bigger impact in how the framework works, and what functionality is added