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A YottaDB performance metric dashboard that utilises Prometheus and Grafana. Now also includes a browser based Eclipse Theia IDE for routine viewing/amendment/compilation and a web based global viewer.

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The code in this repo allows for the integration of a YottaDB environment with Prometheus/Grafana.

This solution harnesses the gvstat routine to provide performance metrics about the running YottaDB environment

More details about gvstat can be found here:

Metrics Available

The built in YottaDB metrics listed here

Free - Total Free space

Total_Space - Total space

Perc_Free - Percentage Free Space

Further details -

procs - Total number of Yottadb processes

globs - Total number of globals

routs - Total number of routines

journsp - Total space taken by journal files in bytes (requires environmental variable yotta_dir to be set i.e. export yotta_dir="/root/.yottadb" as well as ydb_rel i.e. export ydb_rel="V6.3-008_x86_64")

journnum - Total number of journal files (requires environmental variable yotta_dir to be set i.e. export yotta_dir="/root/.yottadb" as well as ydb_rel i.e. export ydb_rel="V6.3-008_x86_64")

sysspace - Percentage use of the file system used by Yottadb

dbspace - Database size in bytes (requires environmental variable yotta_dir to be set i.e. export yotta_dir="/root/.yottadb" as well as ydb_rel i.e. export ydb_rel="V6.3-008_x86_64")

netproc - Number of YottaDB network processes

vmem - Total amount of virtual memory consumed by all Yottadb processes in bytes.

lavg1 - Load average over 1 minute

lavg5 - Load average over 5 minutes

lavg15 - Load average over 15 minutes

dskutil_... - % Disk utilisation metrics per second for each disk on the system

locks - Number of global locks active - Needs environmental variable yotta_instdir set to the installation directory i.e. /usr/local/yottadb, ydb_gbldir set the path of the gld file i.e. /root/.yottadb/r1.30_x86_64/g/yottadb, ydb_dir set to root directory of globals directory i.e. /root/.yottadb and finally ydb_rel set to version number i.e. r1.30_x86_64

rlines - Total number of routine lines (requires environmental variable yotta_dir to be set i.e. export yotta_dir="/root/.yottadb/V6.3-008_x86_64")

rchange - Total number of routines modified in the last 5 minutes (requires environmental variable yotta_dir to be set i.e. export yotta_dir="/root/.yottadb/V6.3-008_x86_64")


It is assumed that you have a functioning deployment of both Prometheus and Grafana with Prometheus able to "scape" metrics and Grafana able to see the scraped metrics through the Prometheus plugin.

The Prometheus-client Python library will also be required:

Ensure that the ydb executable is executable via the system path and so ensure that there is a symbolic link between the localised executable and one of the system paths i.e.

ln -s /usr/local/yottadb/ydb /usr/local/bin/ydb

Installation and Operation

git clone
cd YottaDB-dashboard
./ "<path to yottadb routines directory>"

Run the prometheus web scraper process with:

./ start

This will ask you for the port to run the scraper on. To avoid this question, set the environmental variable YOTTA_PROM_PORT to the port required i.e.

export YOTTA_PROM_PORT="8001"

Additionally, a region can be selected by setting YOTTA_PROM_REG. Without this set, the region is set to DEFAULT.

The scraper process can later be stopped by passing the parameter "stop". The status of the process can also be observed with "status"

Add the contents of prometheus.yml to your existing Prometheus configuration, changing the target address and port accordingly

A demonstation routines to show spikes in GET and SET metric is available in the examples directory, to install:

 cp examples/TESTROUT.m "<path to yottadb routines directory>"

Run the demonstration routine from within ydb:


The deomonstration example above will create 50000 GET calls and chart that will show in Grafana


An example dashboard showing metrics relating to global sets, gets and orders (example image above) can be shown by importing the dashboard file examples/Yottadb-grafana.json directly from the Grafana UI.

These are just 3 of the metrics that are scraped by Prometheus. Details of the full range of metrics can be found under the MNEMONICS/DESCRIPTION section here:

Further details about adding further metrics are available in the Wiki

Both accumulated metric (designated with suffix _acc) over time for each stat as well as point in time statistics (designated with suffix _pit) will be shown.

Log file analytics

Those wishing to view the log files created by YottaDB within Grafana can optionally add the data from promtail.yaml to the existing Promtail configuration file. The log messages (prefixed with YDB-I, W, E and F ) can then be viewed with the Loki datasource and by selecting the Activity label.

Further details about YottaDB syslog messaging can be found here -

It is assumed that instances of both Loki and Promtail are already running and that the Loki plugin is installed in Grafana.

A dashboard in JSON format that additionally includes FREECNT and system logs from YottaDB is available from examples/Yottadb-graf-loki.yaml

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Additional integration with M-Gateway (MGSI) logs is also now available. Please see the Wiki for more details -

The solution runs an M daemon routine that periodically pulls additions to the %zmgsi("logs" global entries and appends them to /var/log/mgsi.log. The log file is then processed by Promtail.

Further details about the M Gateway service integration gateway are available here -

API data processing

A second dashboard is now available that utilised the Grafana infinity datasource to consume API endpoints that expose details about the YottaDB environment:

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To run:

 cd apiserver
 ./ start

Similar to, the following environmental variables will need setting before running:

  1. YOTTA_API_PORT - The port for run the YottaDB api process on
  2. YOTTA_API_IP - The IP address on which to run the api process
  3. yotta_dir - The data directory for Yottadb
  4. yotta_instdir - The installation directory for YottaDB i.e. /usr/local/yottadb
  5. ydb_gbldir - The path of the gld file i.e. /root/.yottadb/r1.30_x86_64/g/yottadb
  6. ydb_dir - The root directory of the globals directory i.e. /root/.yottadb
  7. ydb_rel - The version number i.e. r1.30_x86_64

The process will expose a number of different end points that return data in JSON format:

/routines - A list of routines in the YottaDB environment

/globals - A list of globals in the YottaDB environment

/locks - A list of global locks currently active in the YottaDB environment

/version - Version information about the YottaDB environment

/journals - A list of journals currently active for the system showing filename and size in bytes

/blog - The last 5 news feeds titles from the official YottaDB website blog

Global Viewer

A YottaDB global viewer web interface has now been added. The viewer will allow the listing of globals as well as listing entries (limited to a 1000 entries in each run) in each global. Further entries beyond 1000 can be attained by running an M Query.

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To run:

cd glbview
export glbviewport="8001" 
export glbviewadd=""
./ "start"

Where glbviewport is the port you wish the viewer to run on and glbviewadd the network address of the server/machine running the process

Once the process is running, navigate to the web UI through http://ipaddressofmachine:port/

Stack setup

A step by step guide on building the tech stack is found on the wiki -

An Ansible playbook is also available in the Ansible folder

Process for installation with ansible:

Set up a vanilla Linux server and install Ansible


ansible-galaxy install ramsailopal.yottadb ramsailopal.yottadb_nodejs ramsailopal.yottadb_dashboard_role patrickjahns.promtail cloudalchemy.grafana cloudalchemy.prometheus
ansible-galaxy collection install community.grafana

Add the following entries to /etc/ansible/hosts


Then run the playbook:

 cd Ansible
 ansible-playbook -e grafhost="" -e grafpass="test" -e dashport="8001" -e repodir="/usr/local/YottaDB-dashboard" -e mgateway="yes" -e force="Yes" install.yaml


grafhost is the IP address to access the Grafana GUI

grafpass is the admin account (username admin) password

dashport is the port on which the YottaDB metric service is running

repodir is the LOCAL YottaDB-dashboard directory

mgateway is whether you want metrics for the M-Gateway service

force is whether to force the install of YottaDB on older versions of Linux

Quick Setup of full stack with Vagrant integrated with Ansible


  1. Install Oracle Virtual Box -

  2. Install Hashicorp Vagrant -

  3. Create a new directory in the Vagrant installation directory (C:\HashiCorp on Windows /opt/vagrant on Linux)

  4. Create a file in the new directory called Vagrantfile and copy and paste the contents from

  5. Issue the command vagrant up --provider=virtualbox from the Linux command line/Windows command prompt/Powershell prompt from within this directory

  6. When Vagrant has finished provisioning the stack, navigate to and then login with:

    username: admin

    password: test

Provisioning with Docker and Docker Compose

  cd Docker

  export yottadatadir="\<path to yottadb data directory\>"
  export yottavers="r1.32_x86_64"

  docker compose up -d

Log into the Grafana server at http://<docker server IP address>:3001

Login with:

username: admin

password: admin

Create a new password

Select the Yottadb dashboard

To attain demo metrics, run:

 docker run --rm -v "$yottadatadir:/data" -i yottadb/yottadb-base /opt/yottadb/current/ydb <<< 'F I=1:1:10000 S ^TEST("COUNT")=I'

 docker run --rm -v "$yottadatadir:/data" -i yottadb/yottadb-base /opt/yottadb/current/ydb <<< 'F I=1:1:10000 W !,^TEST("COUNT")'

Note: The docker implementation shows "built in" yottadb metrics only and doesn't implement Promtail and Loki for log file processing


A YottaDB performance metric dashboard that utilises Prometheus and Grafana. Now also includes a browser based Eclipse Theia IDE for routine viewing/amendment/compilation and a web based global viewer.







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