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Installing Oxygen

Rebecca Parker edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 14 revisions

Complete BEFORE class meeting:

Please download and install, on your personal computers, the oXygen XML Editor.
oXygen XML Editor Logo

Notes for Installation

  1. Select the installation that fits your platform: Windows, Mac, or Linux and version (32 or 64-bit).

  2. As you install, you'll be given options to associate the editor with various file types. Select ALL the file types (and just ignore the warning message about XML files and Internet Explorer).

  3. When you've installed the software, you'll likely see that you have three new icons on your desktop: one for oXygen Editor, one for Author, and one for Developer. We will be working with the oXygen Editor.

  4. The final step is registering your copy of oXygen. oXygen gives any user a free 30-day trial period with the software, but we owe a special thanks to SyncroSoft for generously contributing complimentary extended oXygen XML editor 90-day trial licenses for the use of our Engaged Learning course. We will register oXygen together on the first day of class.

Complete In-Class:

  1. Go into the oXygen Editor, and on the top file menu, find Help > Register.

  2. In the dialog box, copy and paste all lines of the license key. You will need to paste in the entire license key including the start and end markers.

Example of license key start and end markers


[license key here]


👉Don't worry if oXygen looks baffling at first--we'll be orienting you to it!👈

Tips for using oXygen

The default oXygen layout is full of features and panels that may not be pertinent to you: you can customize your screen by closing all the smaller windows/boxes that surround the file you’re editing.

When you type an open angle bracket, oXygen will know that you’re typing an element, so it will show you a list of the elements available. These are elements available according to the schema associated with the XML.

If you put your cursor inside an open tag (after the element’s name) and type a space, oXygen will provide a list of the available attributes.

To wrap an element around a portion of text, select that text and hit Ctrl E or Command E (on a Mac).

Press Control (Command on Mac) + Shift + V to validate your file.

Press Control (Command on Mac) + Shift + Y to toggle Soft Line Wrap allowing you to see the encoding without horizontal scrolling.

Press Control (Command on Mac) + Shift + S to save your file.

Press Control (Command on Mac) + Shift + P to automatically format and indent your file.