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OSS Acquisition model

Lidia edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

This goal model corresponds to the file oss acquisition_v2.1.istarml in the goal-model folder.

The model for the OSS acquisition adoption strategy shows how the adopter organization only obtains the component from the OSS community and does not give back any return to the community. Therefore, it can be observed from the model that only outgoing dependencies stem from the adopter organization actor.

![/RISCOSS/riscoss-risk-modeling/goal-models/acquisition_v2.0.png]( Adoption Strategies/OSS Acquisition/OSS acquisition.png)

The adopter is interested on using an existing OSS component (as represented by the goal Take benefit from OSS community) but it is not necessarily interested on the successive releases of the adopted OSS component produced by the community for the maintenance of its product (goal Do not care OSS evolution for maintenance). For this purpose it does not need to be involved in the OSS community that produces that OSS component (softgoal OSS involvement minimised).

The central task Acquire OSS Component is composed primarily by all the activities that the adopter performs to select and use the OSS component and test and maintain the software product where the component is used. The adopter depends on the community to obtain the OSS component and its documentation as shown by the dependencies. Additionally, good technical skills are required as represented by the softgoal Technical quality. Activities Acquire technical skill and Acquire user skills contribute to achieve these skills.


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