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meraki API task 3 (blog App)

A Blog App with express and My SQL database.


  • API endpoints availabe as per user need
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • CRUD on User, Post
  • Like/Dislike a post
  • See all of your posts
  • See how many likes/dislikes post

Lesson Learned

  • CRUD operations with on SQL database locally
  • Fundamentals of express : FS modules, CRUD operations and middleware
  • Using the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
  • Database operations (SQL)
  • JWT for authentication

Tech stacks

  • NodeJS - JS runtime environment
  • Express - The web framework used
  • SQL - Local Database
  • PostgreSQL - object-relational database
  • JSON Web Token - Security Token
  • Postman - API testing
  • Knex - SQL query builder
  • Git - Version control system


Setting Up Your Local Environment

If you wish to play around with the code base in your local environment, do the following

* Clone this repo to your local machine.
* Using the terminal, navigate to the cloned repo.
* Install all the neccessary dependencies, as stipulated in the package.json file.
* Please ensure to have at least basic knowledge of how Postman work.
* In your .env file, set environment variables for the following:'
    * NODE_ENV=development
    * PORT=3000

    * DB_USER=your-database-localhost
    * DB_PASSWORD=your-database-password

    * SECRET=your-json-web-token-secret
    * JWT_EXPIRES_IN=90d

* Complete the knex migration setup.
* Start the server.
* Your app should be running just fine.

Helpful commands

$ git clone
$ cd merakiCourses-MVC_03-blogApp
$ npm install
$ knex migrate:latest
$ knex seed:run
$ npm run start_dev


  • Arranged and grouped all the variables, functions, middleware as per bussiness rule.
  • Implemented MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture
  • Proper organized module structure.
  • Populate database with seed data independent of migration files.

API Features

API Documentation can be Found HERE. Try to play around them😜.
