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Integrate moonscript into your Garry's Mod!

This binary module seamlessly integrates moonscript into Garry's Mod, by adding include of plain .moon files and support for auto-reload.

Just add require "moonloader" line into your autorun!

How to install

  1. Go to latest release
  2. Download binary for your OS and Garry's Mod branch. For example gmsv_moonloader_linux32.dll
  3. Put downloaded binary into <Your Garry's Mod Folder>/garrysmod/lua/bin/ (if it doesn't exists then create folder)
  4. Enjoy! 🎉

How to use

  1. Add require before any AddCSLuaFile or include
require "moonloader"
  1. Include your .moon file with include
-- you can use example/init.moon, but for the sake of compability
-- I suggest to use .lua instead of .moon
include "example/init.lua" -- Will automatically generate .lua from .moon in garrysmod/cache/moonloader/lua
  1. (optional) before using finding lua files with file.Find or reading them I suggest to use moonloader.PreCacheDir("yourdirectory") to compile .lua files from all .moon files


  • Compiled .moon files are stored in garrysmod/cache/moonloader/lua folder. This folder is cleaned up after each startup.


-- autorun/example_autorun.lua
if SERVER then
    require "moonloader"

AddCSLuaFile "example/init.lua"
include "example/init.lua"
-- example/init.moon
print "Hello from Moonscript! ##{i}" for i = 1, 5 


---- Functions ----
-- Compiles given moonscript code into lua code
-- and returns lua_code with compiled line and char offset from moonCode
-- If fails, returns nil and error reason
-- Same as moonscript.to_lua (
lua_code: string/nil, line_tabel: table/string
= moonloader.ToLua(moonCode: string)

-- Recursively compiles and caches all .moon files in given lua directory
-- Use this to add compiled .lua files into Source filesystem
-- Returns nothing
moonloader.PreCacheDir(path: string)

-- Tries to compile given file in lua directory
-- and return true if successful, otherwise false
success: bool = moonloader.PreCacheFile(path: string)

---- Hooks ----
-- Executes when .moon file was compiled
-- Path is relative to lua directory
GM:MoonFileCompiled(path: string)


  1. Clone this repo with submodules
$ git clone --recursive
  1. Clone my garrysmod_common repo with branch master-cmake or x86-64-cmake
$ git clone --branch=master-cmake --recursive
  1. Configure cmake project
$ cd gm_moonloader
$ mkdir -p build && cd build
$ cmake .. -DGARRYSMOD_COMMON_PATH="../../garrysmod_common" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF
# Optionally also use -DAUTOINSTALL=<path to garrysmod/lua/bin>
  1. Build it!
$ cmake --build . -j -t gm_moonloader --config Release
  1. (Optional) Configure project to build 32bit library
# On Windows
$ cmake -A Win32 .. # and other options...
# On Linux
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-m32" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-m32" # and other options...
  1. (Optional) Configure client-side library
$ cmake .. -DCLIENT_DLL=ON


Feel free to create issues or pull requests! ❤️


MIT License