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PAYGER - Merchant SDK

PAYGER - Merchant Javascript SDK

Welcome to our merchant sdk tutorial.

What is this SDK?

Javascript SDK to easily connect to Payger Merchant API.

Here can find the API documentation.



Merchant Javascript SDK is available on npm. To install it try:

$ npm payger-merchant-javascript-sdk


Import the library in your code, and then start a new merchant to get new communication:

const merchant = new Merchant(environment, oauth2, basicAuth);

You need to specify the environment (test or production).

For reference here is described how to start oauth2 and basic authentication:

const oauth2 = {
	apiKey: "<your_api_key>",
	apiSecret: "<your_api_secret>"

const basicAuth = {
	user: "<your_basic_auth_user>",
	psw: "<your_basic_auth_psw>"

Services available

To make easier to call every actions define an object like these

const actions = {
	getBalances: "GET_BALANCES", // get all balances
	getCurrencies: "GET_CURRENCIES", // get currencies (all or filtered)
	getCurrency: "GET_CURRENCY", // get a specific currency
	getExchangeRate: "GET_EXCHANGERATES", // get exchange rates ( by filters )
	getPaymentLimits: "GET_PAYMENTLIMITS", // get payment limits
	getAllTransactions: "GET_ALLTRANSACTIONS", // get transactions (all)
	getTransactions: "GET_TRANSACTIONS", // get transactions (paginated)
	getTransaction: "GET_TRANSACTION", // get a specific transaction
	getPayments: "GET_PAYMENTS", // get payments (paginated)
	savePayment: "SAVE_PAYMENTS", // create a payment
	getPayment: "GET_PAYMENT", // get a specific payment
	updatePayment: "UPDATE_PAYMENT", // update a specific payment
	cancelPayment: "CANCEL_PAYMENT", // cancel a specific payment
	addAddress: "ADD_ADDRESS", // add an address to payment
	getFees: "GET_FEES", // get Fees

Here you have all available actions.

How to call an action

Is really simple to call an action. Just use your js merchant const declared before.<whatever_action>, data);

Every call retrieve a promise.

Fill speficic data parameter

Each method is prepared to receive a specific object.

Definition for every

Get Balances


Get Currencies
 from: String 
   - specific currency (I.E.: DASH)
   - Nullable: true
Get Currency
    - specific currency (I.E.: DASH)
    - Nullable: false
Get Exchange Rates
 productCurrency: String 
    - specific currency (I.E.: DASH)
    - Nullable: false
  amount: integer 
    - Nullable: false
  applyLimits: boolean
    - Nullable: true
  paymentCurrencies: string
    - specific currency (I.E.: DASH)
    - Nullable: true
Get Payment Limits
 page: integer 
    - Nullable: false
  size: integer 
    - Nullable: false
  sort: boolean
    - Nullable: true
Get All Transactions


Get Transactions
 page: integer 
    - Nullable: false
  size: integer 
    - Nullable: false
  sort: boolean
    - Nullable: true
Get Transaction
 id: integer 
    - Nullable: false  
Get Payments
 page: integer 
    - Nullable: false
  size: integer 
    - Nullable: false
  sort: boolean
    - Nullable: true
Save Payment
    payment = {
        externalId: string,
        description: string,
        paymentCurrency: string,
        productCurrency: string,
        source: string,
        productAmount: float,
        buyerName: string,
        buyerEmailAddress : string,
        ipAddress: string,
        latitude: string,
        longitude: string,
        callback : {
            url : string,
            method : string,
            params : {
                orderID: string
        metadata :  {
            a : string
    - Nullable: false
Get Payment
 id: integer 
    - Nullable: false  
Update Payment
    update = {
        id: integer 
            - Nullable: false  
        values: { 
            externalId: string,
            description : string,
            metadata :  {
                "aaa" : "bbb"
    - Nullable: false
Cancel Payment
 id: integer 
    - Nullable: false  
Add address
 data = {
        id: integer 
            - Nullable: false  
        address: { 
            paymentCurrency: string,
            productCurrency: string,
            productAmount: string
    - Nullable: false
Get Fees
  feeRequest = { 
            paymentCurrency: string,
            productCurrency: string,
            productAmount: string
    - Nullable: false


Javascript SDK to easily connect to Payger Merchant API.






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