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Machine shop first iteration proposal

Paul Schliep edited this page Jan 30, 2014 · 9 revisions

Prioritized list of refactorings

Below are our prioritized list of refactorings. Our initial plan is to tackle these in this order, but we may need to revise that plan as we move into the refactorings.

Extract Classes

Large Class

This will address Issue #9. Since the class MachineShopSimulator() is so large and contains several classes, it would be best to extract many of the subclasses and classes present in MachineShopSimulator() class to remove complexity and will make it much easier to refactor as we go along.

Planned refactoring

Our plan is to go through MachineShopSimulator() class and look through each class/subclass present and see what we can move. We will move one at a time using the Extract Class method and Extract Subclass method. After that, we will fix the private modifiers using getClass methods for each class.

Technical difficulty

This shouldn't pose too much of a challenge for the most part, but it will be time consuming going through each class and subclass and moving them. The biggest challenge present will be making sure each class can read each method as needed due to all of the private modifiers.

Impact on the code

This will remove the Large Class smell and will make the code much more readable because of the large amount of organizing and should be the first step before we do any other refactoring proposals due to the higher priority. This should also help with our next refactoring for Shotgun Surgery because it will be much easier to see what's dependent on where. We suspect this should have a large impact on the code because many classes are being made and moved around.

Eliminate array of Machines

Feature Envy

This will address Issue #22. After creating separate classes, the MachineShopSimulator has many methods that may not belong to it, and should be moved to their respective classes. For example, the method moveToNextMachine() suffers from Feature Envy because it spends much of its time getting and modifying data from an instance of the Job class. This suggests that much of that logic more properly belongs in the Job class instead of in the MachineShopSimulator class.

Planned refactoring

Our plan is to initially extract one or more methods from MachineShopSimulator() that isolate the parts of the logic that are particularly tightly tied to each class. We'll then move those methods into their respective classes, making sure to provide any necessary data access back to MachineShopSimulator as we go. We can use the Move Method and the Extract Method to accomplish this.

Technical difficulty

The Eclipse refactoring menu will help automate both the method extraction and the method movement steps, so we expect the biggest challenge to be identifying method extractions that nicely set the state for the method movement step. It seems likely that there will be a certainly amount of trial-and-error in this part, especially since we're not very familiar with this code.

Impact on the code

This helps address both this Feature Envy smell, but also the Data Class smell (where the Job class holds data but has no logic), and hopefully opens the door to moving other logic into Job. We suspect that this refactoring on its own will probably have a moderate (not small, but not huge) impact, but we hope that the sequence of refactorings that this kicks off will improve the clarity of many individual methods and the greatly improve the overall organization of the project by moving logic to more sensible locations.

Encapsulating Fields.

Data Class

This will address Issue #31. Many of the the classes/ideas/methods are hopelessly intermingled within one another making it very hard to make one change in just one location to change the functionality of the code. It also makes in very hard to follow. A simple example is the inputData() method where calls are made to many points of data which are not near the method itself.

Planned refactoring

Our plan is to go through each new class we made out of MachineShopSimulator and see what fields they have. We should be able to use the Encapsulate method for each field and create getter and setter methods.

Technical difficulty

This should not be too hard since all we have to do is use Eclipse's encapsulate tool to do it. Then we remove unnecessary setter or getter methods by hand.

Impact on the code

This should also help with our next refactoring for Shorten Methods because it will be much easier be able to move methods around and extract chunks of code from these absurdly long methods. We suspect this shouldn't have a large impact on the code.

Shorten Methods

Long Methods

This will address Issue #19. There are three methods in the MachineShopSimulator() that have nested if and else statements and for loops that can be refactored to smaller and separate methods. These methods are changeState(), inputData(), and moveToNextMachine().

Planned refactoring

First, we will need to make more tests to ensure that the methods work properly after extracting methods within these longer methods. Then, once the tests work and pass, we can go through and extract the nested for and if/else parts of each method one at a time. We can accomplish this using the Extract Method, Replace Temp with Query, Introduce Parameter Object, and Preserve Whole Object methods to reduce the long methods’ complexity.

Technical difficulty

The Eclipse refactoring menu will help automate both the method extraction and the method movement steps, so we expect the biggest challenge to be identifying method extractions that nicely set the state for the method movement step. It seems likely that there will be a certainly amount of trial-and-error in this part, especially since we're not very familiar with this code.

Impact on the code

This helps address the Large Methods present in MachineShopSimulator. This should have a moderate change to the code and will certainly help make it more readable in the long run and reduce any complexity tied to those methods we will be minimizing.

Remove Comments and Improve Naming Scheme

Comments and Naming Scheme

This will address Issue #14 and Issue #28. Many of the names in this file don’t specify exactly what they are supposed to do or what their purpose is. There are also just some rather confusing names that don’t read well with the code and some abnormally long variable names. After the names are changed appropriately, there should be no reason for the comments to exist because the new names should be able to spell out what the code is doing.

Planned refactoring

First, we need to change many of the variable/method names for each class so that they make sense in the context of what they are meant for or what they will accomplish. After that, we should be able to go through and remove most of the comments because comments aren't necessary if the names make sense with the code. If comments do still exist, then the code should be it’s own method and we can use Extract Method to remove the comments.

Technical difficulty

The Eclipse refactoring menu will help automate both the method extraction and the method movement steps for if and when we need to remove comments. The biggest challenge will be coming up with names for almost everything here, so it will pose a longish task to accomplish and figuring out how to make the code readable enough to get rid of comments.

Impact on the code

This will make the code much more readable and should have a pretty big impact on the code, assuming we are able to come up with good enough names and can clean up some parts of the code enough so that it makes sense and is readable enough to remove the comments.

Maybe List

Just some stuff we would like to get to if there is time, if not, it's not the worst thing ever to miss out on it.

  • More tests
  • Fix arrays to start from 0 instead of 1


For each refactoring you did, summarize the outcome. How difficult did the refactoring turn out to be? What was its overall impact? Are there new doors that this refactoring opened?

What we've done

Overall, most of our refactorings weren't too difficult. We completed the Extract classes, Encapsulate Fields, Feature Envy, and part of the Shorten Methods refactorings. For Extract Classes, we made Machine, Task, Job, and EventList classes. For Encapsulate Fields, we made all of the fields private and removed unnecessary getters and setter methods. For Feature Envy, we moved changeState into Machine, and moveToNextMachine was moved to the Job class. Lastly, for the Shorten Methods refactoring, we extracted a method from changeState method and cleaned up the method in various places. We also extracted 2 methods from moveToNextMachine and also cleaned up the method in various places.

What we didn't get to

We still need to finish Shorten Methods refactoring for the inputData Method that's present in MachineShopSimulator class and fix the naming schemes for pretty much the entirety of the code, and remove unnecessary comments. Naming scheme will most likely be the last thing we do since we still don't entirely understand the code.

New things to Add

For new things we can do, we can change the Array structure to start at 0 instead of 1, and the MachineShopSimulator.elist... that's present in some methods can be extracted. We can also add an integer field to Machine to get rid of the many calls for getting indices.