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add multiplot layout options: scale, offset, margins, spacing ; depre…
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…cate old style of speciyfing them.

previously scale & offset were provided as separate multiplot options,
which were rendered as plain numbers independent of the layout option.
gnuplot 5.4 doesn't recognize that syntax. they must be part of the
layout option.

Now, they are specified inline in the arrayref passed to the layout option.
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djerius committed Sep 20, 2023
1 parent c17222f commit 5555ab3
Showing 1 changed file with 83 additions and 12 deletions.
95 changes: 83 additions & 12 deletions lib/PDL/Graphics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4235,19 +4235,74 @@ The options hash will accept:
=item layout - define a regular grid of plots to multiplot
C<layout> should be followed by an ARRAY ref that contains at least
number of columns ("NX") followed by number of rows ("NY). After
that, you may include any of the "rowsfirst", "columnsfirst",
"downwards", or "upwards" keywords to specify traversal order through
the grid. Only the first letter is examined, so (e.g.) "down" or even
"dog" works the same as "downwards".
C<layout> should be followed by an ARRAY ref with the following
required and optional elements:
=item NX
The integer number of columns.
=item NY
The integer number of rows.
=item C<rowsfirst> | C<columnsfirst>
=item C<downwards> | C<upwards>
These take no arguments.
Traversal order through the grid. Only the first letter is examined,
so (e.g.) "down" or even "dog" works the same as "downwards".
=item C<scale> => SCALAR | ARRAYREF
A scale to be applied to each plot. If a scalar is specified, that
will be applied to both X and Y; if an ARRAY ref is specified,
it should contain independent values for each axis.
=item C<offset> => SCALAR | ARRAYREF
An offset to be applied to each plot. If a scalar is specified, that
will be applied to both X and Y; if an ARRAY ref is specified,
it should contain independent values for each axis.
=item C<spacing> => SCALAR | ARRAYREF
Gap sizes between two adjacent plots. to each plot. If a scalar is
specified, that will be applied to both X and Y; if an ARRAY ref is
specified, it should contain independent values for each axis.
=item C<margins> => ARRAYREF
Accepts an ARRAY ref with four values ( [ I<< <left>,<right>,<bottom>,<top> >> ] ).
=item title - define a title for the entire page
C<title> should be followed by a single scalar containing the title string.
=item scale - make gridded plots larger or smaller than their allocated space
[Deprecated; add this to the layout keyword]
C<scale> takes either a scalar or a list ref containing one or two
values. If only one value is supplied, it is a general scale factor
of each plot in the grid. If two values are supplied, the first is an
Expand All @@ -4256,6 +4311,8 @@ stretch factor for each plot in the grid.
=item offset - offset each plot from its grid origin
[Deprecated; add this to the layout keyword]
C<offset> takes a list ref containing two values, that control placement
of each plot within the grid.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4284,23 +4341,37 @@ Ends a multiplot block (i.e. a block of plots that are meant to render to a sing
our $mpOptionsTable = {
'layout' => [sub { my($old, $new, $h) = @_;
my ($nx,$ny);
my @dirs=("","");
my @output;
my %dirs;
if(!ref($new)) {
$nx = $ny = $new;
} elsif(ref($new) eq 'ARRAY') {
$new = [1] if(@$new == 0);
$nx = shift @$new;
$ny = (@$new) ? shift @$new : $nx;
while($_ = shift @$new) { # assignment
$dirs[0]="rowsfirst" if(m/^r/i);
$dirs[0]="columnsfirst" if(m/^c/i);
$dirs[1]="downwards" if(m/^d/i);
$dirs[1]="upwards" if(m/^u/i);

if ( my ($command) = /^(scale|offset|spacing|margins)$/ ) {
barf "multiplot: missing option to $command"
unless @$new;
$_ = shift @$new;
my @values = ref($_) eq 'ARRAY' ? @{$_} : $_;
barf ( "multiplot: $command requires four values" )
if $command eq 'margins' && @values != 4;
barf ( "multiplot: $command requires 1 or 2 values" )
if $command ne 'margins' && ( @values != 1 or @values != 2 );
push @output, $command, join( q{,}, @values );
$dirs{0}="rowsfirst" if(m/^r/i);
$dirs{0}="columnsfirst" if(m/^c/i);

$dirs{1}="downwards" if(m/^d/i);
$dirs{1}="upwards" if(m/^u/i);
} else {
barf "multiplot: layout option needs a scalar or array ref value\n";
return join(" ",("$ny,$nx",$dirs[0],$dirs[1]));
return join(" ", "$ny,$nx", @output, values %dirs);
'title' => ['s','cq',undef,2,''],
Expand Down

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