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Jacob Hummel edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the 2016 Astronomy hack day at UT Austin!

The date for this hack day is January 15, 2016.

About astronomy hack days

Hack day events are already popular in many domains and are increasingly popular in astronomy. The term hacking in this context is synonymous with "creative computing", and has no relationship to its use for malicious programing popularized in the news media. A hack day consists of collaborative focused work effort, typically on a self-contained coding project. Ideas are pitched at the beginning of the day. Self-assembled teams work together with limited time to achieve a common goal. At the end of the hack day the teams present their product. Above all, a hack day is useful to learn from our colleagues, and maybe create something novel that could not have emerged without the confluence of skills unique to the people in the room.

Here is a list of astronomy hacking events in the last year

January 2015 UT hack day

March 2015 UT hack day

AAS hack day (also see twitter posts about it here)

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