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LwM2M Demo

Joaquin edited this page Mar 10, 2015 · 13 revisions


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Hop Ubiquitous provides a platform that permits to any user deploy a BLE OMA sensor network. Components involved in the platform are as follows:

  • HOP Core Device.
  • Gateway that can be installed in an Android mobile phone or a PC application.
  • OMA LwM2M Server, and
  • Mformation LwM2M Server.

There are 3 different scenarios that can be deployed. The first one is Lab 1, where the gateway is a mobile phone. The second is Lab 2, where the gateway is a PC Application and the OMA LwM2M Server is allocated on the localhost. The last is Lab 3; the gateway is a PC Application that connects over IP using LwM2M protocol to MFormation’ IMPACT™ gateway. The IMPACT ™ gateway is connected to Mformation’ DM server and uses OMA DM protocol. Both gateway and DM Server are located in the cloud.

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The following section explains how to install each component. HOP Kit

Mobile LwM2M Server - Lab 1

Lab 1 components are:

  • HOP Core Platform,
  • Mobile Ubibox Application and
  • Leshan as OMA LwM2M Server.

Getting started:

  1. Install latest Hop Core Firmware.
  2. Install the Mobile App.
  3. Install Leshan LWM2M server.
  4. Executes Leshan and follows the execution guide.
  5. Start Mobile App and follow execution guide.

In Premises LwM2M Server - Lab 2

Lab 2 components are:

  • HOP Core Platform,
  • JUbiboxOMA and
  • Leshan as OMA LwM2M Server.

Getting started:

  1. Install latest Hop Core Firmware.
  2. Install the Gateway JUbiboxOMA.
  3. Install Leshan LwM2M server.
  4. Executes Leshan and follows the execution guide.
  5. Executes JUbiboxOMA and follows the execution guide wiki.

Remote LwM2M Server - Lab 3

Lab 3 components are:

  • HOP Core Platform,
  • JUbiboxOMA and
  • Mformation LwM2M Server.

Real M2M experience. The OMA LwM2M Server is remote and provided by Mformation.

Mformation will made available their Remote LwM2M Server for adhoc testing very soon. Getting started:

  1. Install latest Hop Core Firmware.
  2. Install the Gateway JUbiboxOMA.
  3. Connect to Mformation LwM2M Server.
  4. Executes Mformation LwM2M Server.
  5. Executes JUbiboxOMA with the remote Mformation LwM2M Server address.
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