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Setting up a development environment

Floyd Canfield edited this page Apr 18, 2017 · 7 revisions

This section describes how to setup a development environment to work on OpenCobolIDE.


    1. Install PyQt4 or PyQt5 using your distribution's package manager.
    1. Install GnuCobol using your distribution's package manager.
    1. Install pip and setuptools for python 3 using your distribution's package manager.
    1. Clone the OpenCobolIDE repository: clone git://
    1. Navigate to the source checkout directory.
    1. Install OpenCobolIDE in development mode: pip3 install -e .
    1. Run the IDE: python3 OpenCobolIDE


    1. Install Python3, PyQt5 and GnuCobol using your favorite package manager (homebrew, macports)
    1. Clone the OpenCobolIDE repository: git clone git://
    1. Navigate to the source checkout directory.
    1. Install OpenCobolIDE in development mode: pip3 install -e .
    1. Run the IDE: python3 OpenCobolIDE


    1. Install the following programs using their windows installers:
    1. Install pure python dependencies: pip install pyqode.qt pyqode.core pyqode.cobol qdarkstyle
    1. Clone the OpenCobolIDE repository: git clone --recursive git://
    1. Navigate to the source checkout directory
    1. Install OpenCobolIDE in development mode: pip install -e .
    1. Run the IDE: python OpenCobolIDE