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The application

Here is the first pieces of a React application called 'protein-explorer'. The purpose is to show a list of proteins retrieved from a search request to a backend or external API.

There is a function 'fetchProteins' in 'protein-exlorer/api.js" simulating the call to the API supplying a list of proteins. There is also a function 'fetchError' simulating an error from the API call.

Make use as much of the code in the 'components' directory and 'App.js' as possible.

There is an additional readme file in 'protein-explorer' from the creation of the React application that has some useful information.

NOTE: run 'npm install' to set up the dependencies


Do as much as you have time of the following tasks. Don't get stuck at any details. If you don't get some detail right, just move on.

You can rewrite or style the compoments as you wish. Some things may be hard to get to work. There might be errors in the code - feel free to correct them.

  1. style the component "ProteinList" as close as possible to the supplied design
  2. add some user interface to test hoe the main page handles an error (using 'fetchError')
  3. take notes on the code: what is good, bad or hard to use


The protein list should look like this at first:


When you click a row expands some detail about the protein:


Expanding another row should close the previously expanded details (max one open at a time) and the button marked with a cross should close the open detail.

NOTE: The font shown in the images is not publicly available. Do not make too much effort to find a replacement.


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