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Releases: Olical/vim-enmasse

Bug fix and travis shenanigans

30 Jul 23:25
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Improves test runner and fixes a bug (#23) where the EnMasse buffer was sometimes not created correctly. It had a chance of containing artefacts from another EnMasse buffer.

Optimisation and tests galore

20 May 21:40
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Aside from actually adding a test suite (and hooking it into TravisCI!) I've made everything far more optimal and sane as well as hooked the <Enter> key preview up to the actual preview window features of Vim. You can see the four closed issues within the milestone.

Some more highlights...

  • Reads and writes are batched.
  • Lines in the EnMasse buffer are sorted and pruned for duplicates.
  • When pruning duplicates the echoed preview at the bottom will display both previews from the originally separate lines. So if you had two JSHint issues on one line, you'll now have one line with both hints joined at the bottom.
  • Hints that are too long (off the screen) are now truncated using Vim's built in nifty string truncation stuff. No multi-line echo stuff jumping around.

A disproportionate amount of effort went into this, I hope it's now rock solid and even more useful than ever. Enjoy!


10 May 22:03
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First fully stable release. Includes many fixes and small tweaks as well as a completely new VimL based read/write mechanism, this replaces the original external Python script approach.