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Elasticity context

Knut Morten Okstad edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

The <elasticity> context is for input specific for Elasticity applications. It can have the following sub-contexts:


Use this to define a isotropic material property.


  • set - The topology set to apply the material property to.
  • E - Youngs modulus. Ignored if the <stiffness> sub-context is used.
  • nu - Poisson's ratio. Ignored if the <poisson> sub-context is used.
  • rho - Mass density. Ignored if the <density> sub-context is used.
  • alpha - Thermal expansion coefficient. Ignored if the <thermalexpansion> sub-context is used.
  • cp - Specific heat capacity. Ignored if the <heatcapacity> sub-context is used.
  • kappa - Thermal conductivity. Ignored if the <conductivity> sub-context is used.

Value: Any combination of the following sub-context:

  • <stiffness> - Spatial function describing the Young's modulus
    • Attribute: type - Function type
    • Value: Function definition depending on the chosen type
  • <poisson> - Spatial function describing the Poisson's ratio
    • Attribute: type - Function type
    • Value: Function definition depending on the chosen type
  • <density> - Spatial function describing the mass density
    • Attribute: type - Function type
    • Value: Function definition depending on the chosen type
  • <thermalexpansion> - Temporal function describing the thermal expansion
    • Attribute: type - Function type
    • Value: Function definition depending on the chosen type
  • <heatcapacity> - Temporal function describing the specific head capacity
    • Attribute: type - Function type
    • Value: Function definition depending on the chosen type
  • <conductivity> - Temporal function describing the thermal conductivity
    • Attribute: type - Function type
    • Value: Function definition depending on the chosen type


Use this to define a material property from a texture mapping from file.


  • set - The topology set to apply the material property to.
  • file - Name of png-file with texture mapping as an RGB image.

Value: Multiple entries of the following sub-context, each one defining a constant material property:

  • <range> - Definition of a constant material region
    • Attributes: min and max - Range of the color value defining this material region. In addition, all the <isotropic> attributes may be specified here to define the actual properties
    • Value: Same as for the <isotropic> context.


Use this to define a body force for the elasticity problem.


  • set - The topology set to apply this body force to.
  • type - The type of the body force specification (either "constant" or "expression").

Value: The constant or expression function vector in accordance with the given type, defining the body force vector.

See the expression functions page for the symbolic expression syntax.


Use this to specify a boundary for which to calculate reaction force resultant.


  • set - The topology set defining the boundary to consider.

Value: None


Use this to specify extraction functions for Variationally Consistent Postprocessing (VCP).


  • patch - One-based index of the patch that this extraction function is defined on.
  • comp - Component index (one-based) to perform VCP for.
  • X0 - Cartesion coordinates of cross section origin or stress reference point.
  • X1, X2 - Lower left and upper right corners of stress extraction function domain.
  • u0, v0, z0 - Parametric coordinates of stress reference point.
  • normal - Normal vector of cross section.
  • depth - Depth of the extraction function domain, in opposite direction of the normal vector.
  • width - Width of the extraction function domain.
  • XZp - Point in the local XZ-plane of the cross section for 3D problems.
  • weight - Weighting factor of this extraction function in goal-oriented adaptive simulations.
  • eps - Geometry tolerance.

Value: None


Use this to define a temperature field for calculation of temperature strains.


  • type - The type of the temperature field specification (either "constant" or "expression").

Value: The constant or expression function vector in accordance with the given type, defining the temperature field.

See the expression functions page for the symbolic expression syntax.


Use this to define an initial temperature field for calculation of initial temperature strains.

Attributes: Same as for <temperature> context.

Value: Same as for <temperature> context.


Use this to specify the gravity vector to be used for calculation of gravitation forces.


  • x - Global X-component of the gravity vector.
  • x - Global Y-component of the gravity vector.
  • x - Global Z-component of the gravity vector.

Value: None


Use this to specify a local axis system for stress calculation.

Attributes: None

Value: One of the following sub-contexts:

  • <cylindricz> - Cylindric coordinate system along the global Z-axis
    • Attribute: None
    • Value: None
  • <cylinder+sphere> - Cylindric coordinate system along the global Z-axis combined with a spherical one
    • Attribute: H - Height of the cylinder, i.e., for all points whose global Z-coordinate is larger than H, a spherical coordinate system is used, for all other points a cylindric system is used.
    • Value: None


Use this to specify stabilization for immersed boundary calculations.


  • gamma - Stiffness scaling factor applied to the stabilization terms.

Value: None


Use this to specify the analytical solution.


  • type - The type of the analytical solution specification ("expression", "fields", and several names each corresponding to some hard-coded solution fields)
  • file - Name of HDF5-file to read field values from in case type="fields"
  • file_basis - Name of field basis on the HDF5-file in case type="fields"
  • level - Time level on the HDF5-file to read field values from in case type="fields"

Value: Any of the following sub-contexts:

  • <variables> - Variables definitions, in case type="expression"
  • <stress> - Analytical stress field definitions

See the expression functions page for the symbolic expression syntax.