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Releases: NorthernRealities/ColorSenseRainbow

Enhancements and Maintenance

12 Jun 02:17
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A couple of enhancements to the handling of numbers for the Objective-C developers. For everyone alpha values are handled in a consistent manner now. Previously all of the digits were displayed except in one or two cases. Now only up to two digits past the decimal point are shown. The behaviour for all of the searching is now consistent.

I did a big clean up of the regular expressions to help make the maintenance easier. Basic elements, such as floating point number between 0 and 1 for Swift, are now defined in one place. This makes a change easy to make and also brings consistency because some elements were missed when updates were made on previous occasions.

Please note that this will be the last version on the main branch that will support Xcode 7.2.1 and below. This is due to the changes in the Swift language and how selectors are specified. I've tried to find a way to conditionally compile code based on the application version but without luck. In the future there will be a compiled version (most likely this one) of the plug-in available for download to those developers who have not updated their development environment.

As usual, please feel free to contact me with any issues that arise along with any information to help find the source.


Feature release

10 Aug 18:40
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Two big new features added with this release are the support of HSB colours and the gray colour space (functions that use the colorWithWhite). I also did a bit of housekeeping. When changing predefined colours in Objective-C there won't be a space added after the colon anymore. And I now use calibrated colours and colour spaces instead of device ones.

As always your questions or comments are welcome.

Bug Fixes

06 Jul 18:14
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This release deals with two issues. The first was that when changing a predefined colour in Objective-C the code being inserted didn't include any decimal places when a value was 0 or 1 causing the plugin to stop working for that colour. So it now adds ".0" and behaves like the everywhere else.

The other issue dealt with is related in that in Objective C the plugin wasn't picking up values of 0 or 1 as valid. Hopefully this should be working now.

Bug Fix

01 Jul 19:10
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This adds the new UUID for Xcode 6.4 that Apple released around June 30, 2015 and a patch that was contributed by gutenmorgenuhu that explicitly forces the decimal separator to be a ".".

Bug fix

17 Jun 19:49
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When creating the numbers for a new colour in the Builders the users locale was used but sometimes this created errors when their locale used something other than a decimal point for a separator between the whole number and the fractional part. sbusch-mobivention provided a patch which forced the locale to "us" which uses the decimal point. Thanks!

Release for Alcatraz

05 Jun 13:16
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Moved directories to prepare for Alcatraz.

Initial release.

29 May 21:53
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The first release which lets you see the colour that your code is creating and also change it using a Picker. Feedback is always welcome.