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SSC0103 - Tirgus

Assignment for a class of Object Oriented Programming

(requires Java 8u40)

#Compilation The project was made entirely inside Jetbrains IntelliJ IDEA 14, compiling in there should go without problems, anyway we include ant build files so you can also compile

$ ant -f scc103-tirgus.xml

##Dependencies The project has maven dependencies, namely:

  • JUnit 4
  • Apache PDFBox 1.8.9

#Running ##Server

$ java -jar Server.jar [port]

port (optional): the port where the server will listen for clients to connect (default 4537) ##Client

$ java -jar Client.jar [host] [port]

host (optional): address of the server (default localhost) port (optional): port where the server is listening (default 4537)

#How to use All functionality on both server and client present on the application's toolbar, just don't forget you must be logged in and select a product in order to buy it

#Extra points

  1. JavaFX: Both applications run entirely on JavaFX
  2. JUnit: We used unit tests in our models, collections and serialization system
  3. PDF: We used Apache PDFBox to make reports on the history of sales
  4. Design is singleton