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Forta Staking Vault

Forta Staking enable users to get rewards by staking their FORT tokens. Users need to analyze multiple pools and plan strategies to increase their rewards. Forta Vault introduces a deposit and forget way for user to participate in the staking pools delegating the responsability of increasing rewards to a operator.

Deployed Contracts

Contract Polygon
FortaStakingVault (Proxy) 0xF22F690A41d22496496d4959acFFf0f3baCC24F1
FortaStakingVault (Implementation) 0x35Bb253BF0802EAC46E42E46B9fA697a250aBA01
RedemptionReceiver 0xcEcD2A3248863461c7E50930551E78CBea3098F1
InactiveSharesDistributor 0x39B13e83dC24A8eC3Ecf48979e22860C1921ce69


This projects was developed with foundry. Install it by executing

curl -L | bash

or check other installation options here


  1. Set deployer private key in the .env file


    Make sure it starts with 0x if it is in hexadecimal

  2. Run the deployment script

    forge script Deploy --rpc-url "your-rpc-url" --broadcast
    1. In order to verify the contracts deployed you can add the --verify flag if the api key of the explorer of the network used is set in the .env


      Note that you can set any api key in that var, not necesarly from etherscan. e.g polygonscan api key can be a valid value if you use Polygon Mainnet or Mumbai RPCs.

    2. Some parameters can be set in the enviroment for custom deployments

      FORT_TOKEN=            # 0x9ff62d1FC52A907B6DCbA8077c2DDCA6E6a9d3e1 if omitted
      FORTA_STAKING=         # 0xd2863157539b1D11F39ce23fC4834B62082F6874 if ommitted
      VAULT_FEE=             # 0 if omitted
      TREASURY_ADDRESS=      # Deployer if omitted
      REWARDS_DISTRIBUTOR=   # 0xf7239f26b79145297737166b0C66F4919af9c507 if omitted

      Default values use addresses of Forta deployed contracts on Polygon

Deploment script deploys a TransparentUpgradeableProxy to manage upgrades in the Forta vault.

Running Tests

Actual test suite depens on polygon mainnet to run, then, you need to configure a polygon rpc url in your .env file.


The provided one in the example above is the public polygon rpc

With the rpc in place run

$ forge test

For checking coverage run

$ forge coverage


Documentation for the smart contracts is inlined in the code using natspec format. To generate a web page with documentation run:

$ forge doc -s

Then open the local documentation provided in the server.


Forta Vault for FORT holders to get access to FORT staking rewards abstracting the complexity of tracking scanning pools performance







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