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A lightweight, open-source file sharing web application for local networks.


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How we code it 💻

PiZilla is built entirely using Express and ReactJS. Transpiled using Babel with Webpack3 and Hot Module Reloading. For a full list of dependencies, refer here.

The codebase holds EcmaScript 2016 syntax along with extensions for transform-runtime, transform-class-properties and transform-object-rest-spread operators.

Configuring PiZilla 🛠

  • Install all dependencies with npm install or yarn (if you use yarn).
  • To run the server for development on localhost, use npm run dev or yarn dev. (includes support for live reload)
  • Build the react application with npm run build or yarn build.
  • Configure your backend server accordingly at server/config.js.
const config = {
    deadline: 24, // hours beyond which a file is deleted
    deleteSchedule: '00 00 */2 * * *', // runs the check once every two hours
    port: 80, // configure your server port number
    root: path.dirname(__dirname), // the root directory of application
    uploads: 'uploads' // the location where uploads are to be saved
  • Start the Express server with npm start or yarn start.

Note: Make sure you have write access to the uploads folder. 👍🏻


Screenshot1 Screenshot2 Screenshot3

Throughput Graph

Throughput Graph

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