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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

base feature branch
base feature branch
cat: contracts
cat: contracts
Issues or features related to interacting or deploying contracts.
cat: desktop
cat: desktop
Issues or features only occurring on the desktop application.
cat: ens
cat: ens
Issues or features related to ENS functionality.
cat: hardware wallets
cat: hardware wallets
Issues or features related to unlocking or sending with a hardware wallet.
cat: network/nodes
cat: network/nodes
Issues or features related to selecting a network, adding a node, etc.
cat: notifications
cat: notifications
Items or features related to notifications
cat: offline
cat: offline
Issues or features related to people using the website or desktop application when offline.
cat: sending
cat: sending
Issues or features related to sending transactions, including nonce, gas, etc.
cat: tokens
cat: tokens
Issues or features related to tokens, token balances, adding tokens, etc.
cat: wallet creation
cat: wallet creation
Issues or features related to creating a new wallet (mnemonic of keystore)
Pull requests that update a dependency file
help wanted
help wanted
Issues or features that are good starter tasks that we would love the communities help with.
Release Tag
Release Tag
status: added to jira
status: added to jira
Issues or open PR's once added to Jira. Please comment with Jira # as well.
status: approved by qa
status: approved by qa
Open PR's once approved by QA.
status: blocks next release
status: blocks next release
Open PR's that are of the highest priority to get into the next release.
status: changes needed
status: changes needed
Open PR's if changes are needed after technical or QA review.
status: ready for qa
status: ready for qa
Open PR's that are ready for QA. Replaced with "changes needed" or "approved by qa"
status: ready for review
status: ready for review
Open PR's that are ready for technical review. Replaced with "changes needed" or "ready to merge".
status: ready to merge
status: ready to merge
Open PR's once approved by technical review and by QA.
type: chore
type: chore
Items that are smaller in scope. Typically good starter tasks for the community as well.
type: discussion
type: discussion
Items that are primarily a discussion around a feature or issue. May evolve to be actionable.
type: enhancement
type: enhancement
Items that improve overall user experience and/or expand on existing features.
type: feature
type: feature
Items that are larger in scope and are classified as a new feature (as opposed to an enhancement)
type: GAU
type: GAU
type: issue
type: issue
Items that document a problem or bug with an existing feature.
type: question
type: question
Items that are questions