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Writing a container aware algorithm

Morwenn edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 6 revisions

Sometimes, iterators are not enough and you want to use the full abilities of containers to sort them, like O(1) insertion for std::list and std::forward_list. cpp-sort makes it possible to enhance sorters so that they can recognize specific containers and use a dedicated altered version of the sorting algorithm to sort the container thanks to container_aware_adapter.

Let's get straight to example and enhance selection_sort for a custom list class to take advantage of the O(1) insertion. Here is the list implementation:

namespace example
    template<typename T, typename Allocator>
    class list
        // Exactly like std::list

Second, we need a dedicated selection sort to stably sort our new list class, with full comparison support (no projection support because it would be bothersome without a projection-enhanced standard library):

namespace example
    template<typename T, typename Allocator, typename Compare=std::less<>>
    auto list_selection_sort(std::list<T, Allocator>& collection, Compare compare={})
        -> void
        auto&& comp = cppsort::utility::as_function(compare);

        auto it = std::begin(collection);
        auto last = std::end(collection);
        while (it != last) {
            auto min_it = std::min_element(it, last, comp);
            if (min_it == it) {
            } else {
                collection.splice(it, collection, min_it);

As is, container_aware_adapter doesn't know about the sorting algorithm and can't use it. In order to find dedicated algorithm, it performs an ADL lookup to find a suitable sort function in the container's namespace. The sort function shall take the "overloaded" sorter as a first parameter, the container to sort as a second parameter, and comparison and projection functions may follow. Many overload generation rules from sorter_facade are also implemented in container_aware_adapter to ensure that it will try to call the dedicated algorithm whenever it can. Here is the whole thing:

namespace example
    template<typename T, typename Allocator>
    class list
        // Exactly like std::list

    template<typename T, typename Allocator, typename Compare=std::less<>>
    auto sort(cppsort::selection_sorter, std::list<T, Allocator>& collection,
              Compare compare={})
        -> void
        auto&& comp = cppsort::utility::as_function(compare);

        auto it = std::begin(collection);
        auto last = std::end(collection);
        while (it != last) {
            auto min_it = std::min_element(it, last, comp);
            if (min_it == it) {
            } else {
                collection.splice(it, collection, min_it);

There will be improvements to container_aware_adapter in the future to make stable_sort another customization point, and probably to make sort fall back to stable_sort when there is an ADL-found stable_sort but no ADL-found sort. However, it's a huge piece of work, so it probably won't be before a while.