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Chainable projections

GitHub Action edited this page Dec 17, 2022 · 4 revisions

New in version 1.7.0

Sometimes one needs to apply several transformations to the elements of a collection before comparing them. To support this use case, some projection functions in cpp-sort can be composed with operator|.

struct my_negate:
    int operator()(int value) const
        return -value;

Making a function object inherit from utility::projection_base allows it to benefit from the operator| overload used to compose projections; the projection inheriting from that class can appear on any side of the operator, and the other argument can be any suitable Callable. Here is an example of what is possible with the custom projection defined above:

// Create a vector of wrapper
struct wrapper { int value; };
std::vector<wrapper> vec = { /* ... */ };

my_negate projection;
// Applies &wrapper::value to the elements of vec, then my_negate
cppsort::poplar_sort(vec, &wrapper::value | projection);

The object returned by the utility function utility::as_projection also inherits from utility::projection_base, making as_projection the proper function to turn any suitable projection into a projection composable with operator|. If one of the arguments to operator| is either utility::identity or std::identity, then the other argument is returned directly.

If both of the projections composed with operator| are transparent, then the returned object is also a transparent projection.

Changed in version 1.13.0: the object returned by operator| is now conditionally transparent.