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Writing a bubble_sorter

Morwenn edited this page Nov 18, 2015 · 29 revisions

If you have read the general tutorial about writing sorters, you might be interested in a full concrete example. In this tutorial, we will see step by step how to implement a simple bubble sort and how to write a bubble_sorter to wrap it. Step by step.

The bubble sort algorithm

The bubble sort is a simple sorting algorithm that goes through a collection, comparing adjacent elements and switching them if they are not in order. It does so repeatedly until the collection is sorted. There are some very specific cases where it might be the ideal algorithm, but it is useless most of the time. Anyway, here a basic implementation, taking a pair of iterators like many standard library algorithms:

template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
auto bubble_sort(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last)
    -> void
    while (first != last--)
        for (auto it = first ; it != last ; ++it)
            if (*(it + 1) < *it)
                std::iter_swap(it, it + 1);

This version works with random-access iterators only. That said, making it work with bidirectional iterators too is only a matter of changing the it + 1 into an std::next(it):

template<typename BidirectionalIterator>
auto bubble_sort(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last)
    -> void
    while (first != last--)
        for (auto it = first ; it != last ; ++it)
            auto next = std::next(it);
            if (*next < *it)
                std::iter_swap(it, next);

Some versions of bubble_sort track whether swaps were actually performed during the traversal of the array and return early if no swap was made (it means that the array was already sorted). For the sake of simplicity, we won't add this check to our algorithm.

A simple bubble_sorter

Now that we have a working bubble_sort algorithm, we will wrap it into a sorter so that it can benefit from the many tools available in cpp-sort when needed. Here is a very basic bubble_sorter implementation:

struct bubble_sorter
    template<typename BidirectionalIterator>
    auto operator()(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last) const
        -> void
        bubble_sort(first, last);

Unfortunately, cpp-sort requires sorters to implement range-based algorithms too in order to satisfy the Sorter concept. Implementing by hand the whole set of features is boring and error-prone. Fortunately, cpp-sort provides the utility class template sorter_facade to automagically generate the missing features when an iterator-based operator() exists:

struct bubble_sorter_impl
    template<typename BidirectionalIterator>
    auto operator()(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last) const
        -> void
        bubble_sort(first, last);

struct bubble_sorter:

Now our bubble_sorter satisfies the library's requirements and implements all the additional features without too much additional work. However, we might also want it to play nice with hybrid_adapter, the main building block which allows to merge different sorters together. In order to do so, we need to specialize the class sorter_traits for our bubble_sorter, where we explicitly document the sorter's stability and the category of iterators it works with:

namespace cppsort
    struct sorter_traits<::bubble_sorter>
        using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
        static constexpr bool is_stable = true;

Handling custom comparison functions

Our bubble_sort algorithm currently uses operator< to compare the elements to be sorted. To make it more generic, we would like it to work with any suitable comparison function instead, just like std::sort. Doing so is rather easy:

    typename BidirectionalIterator,
    typename StrictWeakOrdering
auto bubble_sort(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
                 StrictWeakOrdering compare)
    -> void
    while (first != last--)
        for (auto it = first ; it != last ; ++it)
            auto next = std::next(it);
            if (compare(*next, *it))
                std::iter_swap(it, next);

cpp-sort is designed to handle both comparison and non-comparison sorters. There isn't much to change to make bubble_sorter use the new addition to its underlying sorting algorithm:

struct bubble_sorter_impl
        typename BidirectionalIterator,
        typename StrictWeakOrdering = std::less<>
    auto operator()(BidirectionalIterator first, BidirectionalIterator last,
                    StrictWeakOrdering compare={}) const
        -> void
        bubble_sort(first, last, compare);

struct bubble_sorter:

With this addition, a bubble_sorter instance can be called with a custom comparison function or without one, defaulting to std::less<>. Note that sorter_facade generates the appropriate overloads so that the sorter can still be called with either a pair of iterators, a pair of iterators and a comparison function, a collection or a collection and a comparison function. It also ensures that an instance of bubble_sorter can be converted to a function pointer corresponding to any of the four overloads of operator().

Using bubble_sorter with forward iterators

In its current state, bubble_sort isn't usable with forward iterators because of the last-- instruction, which requires bidirectional iterators. If we drop this backwards iteration, we have to reintroduce the check to see whether the collection is sorted, which means that the algorithm will generally perform many useless comparisons all over the place. Fortunately, we can use another technique: we know that when the bubble sort traverses the collection for the nth time, it is supposed to perform exactly n comparisons. While decrementing a forward iterator isn't possible, we can still compute the size of the collection to sort, then decrement it and perform the correct number of comparisons:

    typename ForwardIterator,
    typename StrictWeakOrdering
auto bubble_sort(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                 StrictWeakOrdering compare)
    -> void
    auto size = std::distance(first, last);
    if (size < 2) return;

    while (--size)
        ForwardIterator current = first;
        ForwardIterator next = std::next(current);
        for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i)
            if (compare(*next, *current))
                std::iter_swap(current, next);

The only change to make at the sorter level is to change its declared iterator category in sorter_traits (and possibly the names of the template parameters in the sorter so that they don't lie about the iterator category):

namespace cppsort
    struct sorter_traits<::bubble_sorter>
        using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
        static constexpr bool is_stable = true;

Handling projection parameters

Projections are functions that can be used to "view" the values to sort differently during the comparison. Most of the comparison sorters in cpp-sort take an optional projection parameter. The bubble sort being a comparison sorter, it may be interesting to have it handle projections too. In order to do that, we will have to alter both the sorting algorithm and the sorter. Fortunately, the modification are pretty straigthforward: in the algorithm, we only have to add another parameter and use it on the values that are being compared:

    typename ForwardIterator,
    typename StrictWeakOrdering,
    typename Projection
auto bubble_sort(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                 StrictWeakOrdering compare, Projection projection)
    -> void
    auto size = std::distance(first, last);
    if (size < 2) return;

    auto&& proj = cppsort::utility::as_function(projection);

    while (--size)
        ForwardIterator current = first;
        ForwardIterator next = std::next(current);
        for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i)
            if (compare(proj(*next), proj(*current)))
                std::iter_swap(current, next);

Note the use of utility::as_function used to transform the projection parameter. While using the raw projection would have been enough in most scenarios, this line makes it possible to pass pointers to member data instead of functions so that the algorithm can sort the collection on a specific field; this is a rather powerful mechanism. Now, to the sorter:

struct bubble_sorter_impl
        typename ForwardIterator,
        typename StrictWeakOrdering = std::less<>,
        typename Projection = cppsort::utility::identity,
        typename = std::enable_if_t<cppsort::is_projection_iterator<
            Projection, ForwardIterator, StrictWeakOrdering
    auto operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                    StrictWeakOrdering compare={}, Projection projection={}) const
        -> void
        bubble_sort(first, last, compare, projection);

We can see several improvements compared to the previous version: first of all, we added an optional projection parameter which defauts to utility::identity. This is a function object that returns a value as is so that the default behaviour of the algorithm is to run as if projections didn't exist. It is very likely to be optimized aways by the compiler anyway.

The second modification is one I wish we code do without: is_projection_iterator is a trait checks whether a projection function can be used on a dereferenced iterator. It also optionally checks that a given comparison function can be called with the result of two such projections. This trait exists to ensure that cppsort::sort won't call the functor when these conditions are not satisfied, which may be crucial when aggregating sorters with hybrid_adapter.

Final optimizations

Our current version of bubble_sort has to compute the size of the collection to sort prior to the actual sort. This is not optimal since some of the containers in the standard library know their size and can provide it in O(1). cpp-sort makes it possible to easily use this information: the function utility::size takes a container and returns the result of the member function size if the container has one, and std::distance(std::begin(container), std::end(container)) instead if it doesn't have such a member function. This small tool allows us to rewrite bubble_sort and bubble_sorter so that they can take advantage of this information when available:

    typename ForwardIterator,
    typename StrictWeakOrdering,
    typename Projection
auto bubble_sort(ForwardIterator first, StrictWeakOrdering compare,
                 Projection projection, std::size_t size)
    -> void
    if (size < 2) return;

    auto&& proj = cppsort::utility::as_function(projection);

    while (--size)
        ForwardIterator current = first;
        ForwardIterator next = std::next(current);
        for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i)
            if (compare(proj(*next), proj(*current)))
                std::iter_swap(current, next);

struct bubble_sorter_impl
    // Pair of iterators overload
        typename ForwardIterator,
        typename StrictWeakOrdering = std::less<>,
        typename Projection = cppsort::utility::identity,
        typename = std::enable_if_t<cppsort::is_projection_iterator<
            Projection, ForwardIterator, StrictWeakOrdering
    auto operator()(ForwardIterator first, ForwardIterator last,
                    StrictWeakOrdering compare={}, Projection projection={}) const
        -> void
                    std::distance(first, last));

    // Iterable overload
        typename ForwardIterable,
        typename StrictWeakOrdering = std::less<>,
        typename Projection = cppsort::utility::identity,
        typename = std::enable_if_t<cppsort::is_projection<
            Projection, ForwardIterable, StrictWeakOrdering
    auto operator()(ForwardIterable& iterable, StrictWeakOrdering compare={},
                    Projection projection={}) const
        -> void

struct bubble_sorter:

Note that sorter_facade will make sure to call our new operator() for ranges instead of dispatching the call to the overload that takes a pair of iterators when given a full collection, so everything should work smoothly enough.

And that's it: we have covered pretty much every interesting aspect of writing a simple comparison sorter and we have seen how to implement some small optimizations as well as how to enhance it with projections. I hope you enjoyed the tutorial, even if bubble sort is not the most interesting sorting algorithm around. You can find the full implementation in the examples folder :)