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Sorter facade

Morwenn edited this page Nov 2, 2015 · 21 revisions

The Sorter and ComparisonSorter require sorter implementers to implement a variety of methods (up to eight) with a redundancy factor that can be rather high. Therefore, cpp-sort provides a CRTP base class which makes creating sorters easier by generating most of the required operations in the simplest cases.

Conversions to function pointers

sorter_facade provides the following member functions so that a sorter can be turned into a function pointer:

template<typename Iterable>
operator Ret(*)(Iterable&)() const;

template<typename Iterable, typename Compare>
operator Ret(*)(Iterable&, Compare)() const;

template<typename Iterator>
operator Ret(*)(Iterator, Iterator)() const;

template<typename Iterator, typename Compare>
operator Ret(*)(Iterator, Iterator, Compare)() const;

Note that the syntax is made up, but it allows to clearly highlight what it does while hiding the ugly typedefs needed for the syntax to be valid. In these signatures, Ret is an std::result_of_t of the parameters (well, it is what you would expect it to be).

operator() for ranges

sorter_facade provides overloads operator() to handle ranges:

template<typename Iterable>
auto operator()(Iterable& iterable) const
    -> decltype(Sorter{}(std::begin(iterable), std::end(iterable)));

template<typename Iterable, typename Compare>
auto operator()(Iterable& iterable, Compare compare) const
    -> decltype(Sorter{}(std::begin(iterable), std::end(iterable)));

This overload simply call the operator() overloads taking two iterators by using std::begin and std::end on iterable. When implementing your own sorters, these overload will be hidden by default but you can import them in the class with a using directive.

Provided you have a sorting function with a standard iterator interface, creating the corresponding sorter becomes trivial thanks to sorter_facade. For instance, here is a simple sorter wrapping std::sort:

struct std_sorter:
    using cppsort::sorter_facade<std_sorter>::operator();

        typename RandomAccessIterator,
        typename Compare = std::less<>
    auto operator()(RandomAccessIterator first,
                    RandomAccessIterator last,
                    Compare compare={}) const
        -> void
        std::sort(first, last, compare);

Universal support for std::less

cpp-sort considers that every collection sorted without a specific comparison function shoud work as if it was sorted with std::less<>. However, some sorters do not implement comparison sorts and therefore do not provide overloads of operator() taking custom comparison functions.

sorter_facade provides the following overloads so that every sorter, even non-comparison sorters, can be passed std::less<> or std::less<T> where T is the type of the values to sort:

template<typename Iterable>
auto operator()(Iterable& iterable, std::less<>) const
    -> decltype(Sorter{}(iterable));

template<typename Iterator>
auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last, std::less<>) const
    -> decltype(Sorter{}(first, last));

template<typename Iterable>
auto operator()(Iterable& iterable,
                std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(std::begin(iterable))>::value_type>) const
    -> decltype(Sorter{}(iterable));

template<typename Iterator>
auto operator()(Iterator first, Iterator last,
                std::less<typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type>) const
    -> decltype(Sorter{}(first, last));

While they do not appear in the signatures above, there are some SFINAE tricks to ensure that these overloads are generated only if the adapted sorter is not already a comparison sorter.