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Miscellaneous utilities

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The following utilities are available in the directory cpp-sort/utility and live in the namespace cppsort::utility. While not always directly related to sorting, they might be useful to solve common problems when writing and/or using sorters or adapters.


#include <cpp-sort/utility/adapter_storage.h>

adapter_storage is a wrapper type meant to be used to store a sorter in the internals of sorter adapter which adapts a single sorter. One of its goal is to remain an empty type when possible in order to play nice with the parts of the libraries that allow to cast empty sorters to function pointers. It provides three different operations:

  • Construction: it is constructed with a copy of the wrapped sorter which it stores in its internals. If Sorter is empty and default-constructible, then adapter_storage<Sorter> is also empty and default-constructible.
  • Sorter access: a get() member function returns a reference to the wrapped sorter with const and reference qualifications matching those of the adapter_storage instance. If Sorter is empty and default-constructible, then get() returns a default-constructed instance of Sorter instead.
  • Invocation: it has a const-qualified operator() which forwards its parameter to the corresponding operator in the wrapped Sorter (or in a default-constructed instance of Sorter) and returns its result.
template<typename Sorter>
struct adapter_storage;

The usual way to use it when implementing a sorter adapter is to make said adapter inherit from adapter_storage<Sorter> and to feed it a copy of the original sorter. Then either get() or operator() can be used to correctly call the wrapped sorter.

New in version 1.5.0

as_comparison and as_projection

#include <cpp-sort/utility/functional.h>

When given a Callable that satisfies both the comparison and projection concepts, every sorter in cpp-sort considers that it is a comparison function (unless it is a projection-only sorter, in which case the function is considered to be a projection). To make such ambiguous callables usable as projections, the utility function as_projection is provided, which wraps a function and exposes only its unary overload. A similar as_comparison function is also provided in case one needs to explicitly expose the binary overload of a function.

The result of as_projection also inherits from projection_base, which makes it usable to compose projections with operator|.

template<typename Function>
constexpr auto as_projection(Function&& func)
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

template<typename Function>
constexpr auto as_comparison(Function&& func)
    -> /* implementation-defined */;

When the object passed to as_comparison or as_projection is a transparent function object, then the object returned by those functions will also be transparent.

Changed in version 1.7.0: as_comparison and as_projection accept any Callable.

Changed in version 1.7.0: the object returned by as_projection inherits from projection_base.

Changed in version 1.13.0: the objects returned by as_comparison and as_projection are now conditionally transparent.


#include <cpp-sort/utility/as_function.h>

as_function is an utility function borrowed from Eric Niebler's Range-v3 library. This function takes a parameter and does what it can to return an object callable with the usual function call syntax. It is notably useful to transform a pointer to member data into a function taking an instance of the class and returning the member.

To be more specific, as_function returns the passed object as is if it is already callable with the usual function call syntax, and uses std::mem_fn to wrap the passed object otherwise. It is worth noting that when the original object is returned, its potential to be called in a constexpr context remains the same, which makes as_function superior to std::invoke in this regard (prior to C++20).

struct wrapper { int foo; };
// func is a function taking an instance of wrapper
// and returning the value of its member foo
auto&& func = cppsort::utility::as_function(&wrapper::foo);

Branchless traits

#include <cpp-sort/utility/branchless_traits.h>

Some of the library's algorithms (pdq_sorter and everything that relies on it, which means many things since it's the most common fallback for other algorithms) may use a different logic depending on whether the use comparison and projection functions are branchful and branchless. Unfortunately, it isn't something that can be deterministically determined; in order to provide the information, the following traits are available (they always inherit from either std::true_type or std::false_type):

template<typename Compare, typename T>
struct is_probably_branchless_comparison;

template<typename Compare, typename T>
constexpr bool is_probably_branchless_comparison_v
    = is_probably_branchless_comparison<Compare, T>::value;

This trait tells whether the comparison function Compare is likely to generate branchless code when comparing two instances of T. By default it considers that the following comparison functions are likely to be branchless:

template<typename Projection, typename T>
struct is_probably_branchless_projection;

template<typename Projection, typename T>
constexpr bool is_probably_branchless_projection_v
    = is_probably_branchless_projection<Projection, T>::value;

This trait tells whether the projection function Projection is likely to generate branchless code when called with an instance of T. By default it considers that the following projection functions are likely to be branchless:

These traits can be specialized for user-defined types. If one of the traits is specialized to consider that a user-defined type is likely to be branchless with a comparison/projection function, cv-qualified and reference-qualified versions of the same user-defined type will also be considered to produce branchless code when compared/projected with the same function.

Changed in version 1.9.0: conditional support for std::ranges::less and std::ranges::greater.

Changed in version 1.9.0: conditional support for std::identity.

Buffer providers

#include <cpp-sort/utility/buffer.h>

Buffer providers are classes designed to be passed to dedicated sorters; they describe how a the sorter should allocate a temporary buffer. Every buffer provider shall have a buffer inner class constructible with an std::size_t, and providing the methods begin, end, cbegin, cend and size.

template<std::size_t N>
struct fixed_buffer;

This buffer provider allocates N elements on the stack. It uses std::array behind the scenes, so it also allows buffers of size 0. The runtime size passed to the buffer at construction is discarded.

template<typename SizePolicy>
struct dynamic_buffer;

This buffer provider allocates on the heap a number of elements depending on a given size policy (a class whose operator() takes the size of the collection and returns another size). You can use the function objects from utility/functional.h as basic size policies. The buffer construction may throw an instance of std::bad_alloc if it fails to allocate the required memory.

Miscellaneous function objects

#include <cpp-sort/utility/functional.h>

WARNING: utility::identity is removed in version 2.0.0, use std::identity instead.

This header provides the class projection_base and the mechanism used to compose projections with operator|. See Chainable projections for more information.

Also available in this header, the struct identity is a function object that can type any value of any movable type and return it as is. It is used as a default for every projection parameter in the library so that sorters view the values as they are by default, without a modification.

struct identity:
    template<typename T>
    constexpr auto operator()(T&& t) const noexcept
        -> T&&;

    using is_transparent = /* implementation-defined */;

It is equivalent to the C++20 std::identity. Wherever the documentation mentions special handling of utility::identity, the same support is provided for std::identity when it is available.

This header also provides additional function objects implementing basic unary operations. These functions objects are designed to be used as size policies with dynamic_buffer and similar classes. The following function objects are available:

  • half: returns the passed value divided by 2.
  • log: returns the base 10 logarithm of the passed value.
  • sqrt: returns the square root of the passed value.

All of those function objects inherit from projection_base and are transparent function objects.

Since C++17, the following utility is also available when some level of micro-optimization is needed:

template<auto Function>
struct function_constant
    using value_type = decltype(Function);

    static constexpr value_type value = Function;

    template<typename... Args>
    constexpr auto operator()(Args&&... args) const
        -> decltype(as_function(Function)(std::forward<Args>(args)...));

    constexpr operator value_type() const noexcept;

This utility is modeled after std::integral_constant, but is different in that it takes its parameter as template<auto>, and operator() calls the wrapped value instead of returning it. The goal is to store function pointers and pointer to members "for free": they are only "stored" as a template parameter, which allows function_constant to be an empty class. This has two main advantages: function_constant can benefit from Empty Base Optimization since it weighs virtually nothing, and it won't need to be pushed on the stack when passed to a function, while the wrapped pointer would have been if passed unwrapped. Unless you are micro-optimizing some specific piece of code, you shouldn't need this class.

is_probably_branchless_comparison and is_probably_branchless_projection will correspond to std::true_type if the wrapped Function also gives std::true_type. Moreover, you can even specialize these traits for specific function_constant instanciations if you need even more performance.

Warning: function_constant is only available since C++17.

New in version 1.7.0: projection_base and chainable projections.

Changed in version 1.9.0: std::identity is now also supported wherever the library has special behavior for utility::identity.

Changed in version 1.13.0: half, log and sqrt are now transparent function objects.

iter_move and iter_swap

#include <cpp-sort/utility/iter_move.h>

The functions iter_move and iter_swap are equivalent to the same functions as proposed by P0022: utility functions intended to be used with ADL to handle proxy iterators among other things. An algorithm can use them instead of std::move and possibly ADL-found swap to handle tricky classes such as std::vector<bool>.

The default implementation of iter_move simply move-returns the dereferenced iterator. iter_swap is a bit more tricky: if the iterators to be swapped have a custom iter_move, then iter_swap will use it, otherwise it will call an ADL-found swap or std::swap on the dereferenced iterators.

template<typename Iterator>
constexpr auto iter_move(Iterator it)
    -> decltype(std::move(*it));

template<typename Iterator>
constexpr auto iter_swap(Iterator lhs, Iterator rhs)
    -> void;

NOTE: while both overloads are marked as constexpr, the generic version of iter_swap might use std::swap, which is not constexpr before C++20.

Changed in version 1.10.0: generic iter_move and iter_swap overloads are now marked as constexpr.


#include <cpp-sort/utility/make_integer_range.h>

WARNING: make_integer_range and make_index_range are deprecated in version 1.8.0 and removed in version 2.0.0.

The class template make_integer_range can be used wherever an std::integer_sequence can be used. An integer_range takes a type template parameter that shall be an integer type, then three integer template parameters which correspond to the beginning of the range, the end of the range and the « step ».

    typename Integer,
    Integer Begin,
    Integer End,
    Integer Step = 1
using make_integer_range = /* implementation-defined */;

make_index_range is a specialization of integer_range for std::size_t.

    std::size_t Begin,
    std::size_t End,
    std::size_t Step = 1u
using make_index_range = make_integer_range<std::size_t, Begin, End, Step>;


#include <cpp-sort/utility/size.h>

size is a function that can be used to get the size of an iterable. It is equivalent to the C++17 function std::size but has an additional tweak so that, if the iterable is not a fixed-size C array and doesn't have a size method, it calls std::distance(std::begin(iter), std::end(iter)) on the iterable. Therefore, this function can also be used for std::forward_list as well as some implementations of ranges.

Changed in version 1.12.1: utility::size() now also works for collections that only provide non-const begin() and end().

Sorting network tools

#include <cpp-sort/utility/sorting_network.h>

Some of the library's fixed-size sorters implement sorting networks. It is a subdomain of sorting that has seen extensive research and there is no way all of the interesting bits could be provided as mere sorters; therefore the following tools are provided specifically to experiment with sorting networks, and with comparator networks more generally.

All comparator networks execute a fixed sequence of compare-exchanges, operations that compare two elements and exchange them if they are out-of-order. The following index_pair class template represents a pair of indices meant to contain the indices used to perform a compare-exchange operation:

template<typename IndexType>
struct index_pair
    IndexType first, second;

This pretty rough template acts as the base vocabulary type for comparator networks. Fixed-size sorters that happen to be sorting networks should provide an index_pairs() static methods returning a sequence of index_pair sufficient to sort a collection of a given size.

The following functions accept a sequence of index_pair and swap the elements of a given random-access collection (represented by an iterator to its first element) according to the index pairs:

    typename RandomAccessIterator,
    typename IndexType,
    std::size_t N,
    typename Compare = std::less<>,
    typename Projection = utility::identity
auto swap_index_pairs(RandomAccessIterator first, const std::array<index_pair<IndexType>, N>& index_pairs,
                      Compare compare={}, Projection projection={})
    -> void;

    typename RandomAccessIterator,
    typename IndexType,
    std::size_t N,
    typename Compare = std::less<>,
    typename Projection = utility::identity
auto swap_index_pairs_force_unroll(RandomAccessIterator first,
                                   const std::array<index_pair<IndexType>, N>& index_pairs,
                                   Compare compare={}, Projection projection={})
    -> void;

swap_index_pairs loops over the index pairs in the simplest fashion and calls the compare-exchange operations in the simplest possible way. swap_index_pairs_force_unroll is a best effort function trying to achieve the same job by unrolling the loop over indices the best it can - a perfect unrolling is thus attempted, but never guaranteed, which might or might result in faster runtime and/or increased binary size.

New in version 1.11.0


#include <cpp-sort/utility/static_const.h>

WARNING: utility::static_const is removed in version 2.0.0, use inline variables instead.

static_const is a tiny utility used to instantiate function objects (for example sorters) and expose a single global instance to users of the library while avoiding ODR problems. It is taken straight from Range-v3. The general pattern to instantiate function objects is as follows:

    constexpr auto&& awesome_sort
        = cppsort::utility::static_const<awesome_sorter>::value;

You can read more about this instantiation pattern in this article by Eric Niebler.