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Morwenn edited this page Sep 16, 2019 · 22 revisions

This page describes the features that change in cpp-sort depending on the C++ version with which it is compiled (C++14 or later) as well as the support for miscellaneous compiler extensions; for a full changelog between actual releases, you can check the dedicated releases page.

The notes in this page are only valid for the latest versions of the 1.x and 2.x branches. If you are using an older version of the library, some of them might not apply.

C++14 features

While cpp-sort theoretically requires a fully C++14-compliant compiler, a few standard features are either not available or deactivated in popular compilers and the library tries to take those into account if possible.

Performance improvements:

  • Sized deallocation: this C++14 feature is not always available (Clang requires -fsized-deallocation for example) and standard allocation functions typically don't take advantage of it. However, if __cpp_sized_deallocation is defined and the global deallocations functions are replaced with overloads that take advantage of sized deallocation, then several sorters will explicitly try to take advantage of it.

C++17 features

When compiled with C++17, cpp-sort might gain a few additional features depending on the level of C++17 support provided by the compiler. The availability of most of the features depend on the presence of corresponding feature-testing macros. The support for feature-testing macros being optional, it is possible that one of the features listed below isn't available even though the compiler is supposed to provide enough C++17 features to support it. If it is the case and it is a problem for you, don't hesitate to open an issue so that we can explicitly support the given compiler.

New features:

  • string_spread_sort now accepts std::string_view and sometimes std::wstring_view.

    This feature is made available through the check __cplusplus > 201402L && __has_include(<string_view>).

  • Sorter adapters have been updated to take advantage of deduction guides:

    // C++14
    constexpr auto sort = schwartz_adapter<quick_sorter>{};
    // C++17
    constexpr auto sort = schwartz_adapter(quick_sort);

    This notably makes measures of presortedness more usable with the few sorter adapters that make sense for them:

    // C++14
    auto rem = indirect_adapter<decltype(probe::rem)>{};
    // C++17
    auto rem = indirect_adapter(probe::rem);

    There is no specific check for this feature: the sorter adpater constructors have been written in such a way that implicit deduction guides work out-of-the-box.

  • indirect_adapter and out_of_place_adapter return the result returned by the adapter sorter.

    This feature is made available through the check __cpp_lib_uncaught_exceptions.

  • New function_constant utility to micro-optimize function pointers and class member pointers.

    insertion_sort(collection, function_constant<&foo::bar>{});

    It sometimes results in fewer indirections than a raw &foo::bar, and can be subject to empty base class optimization when stored.

    This feature is available when the feature-testing macro __cpp_nontype_template_parameter_auto is defined.

  • The function pointer conversion operators of sorter_facade are now constexpr when possible.

    This feature is made available through the check __cpp_constexpr >= 201603.

Correctness improvements:

  • Some handy C++17 type traits such as std::is_invocable are manually reimplemented in C++14 mode while they are used as is in C++17 mode if available. It's likely that the C++17 implementation covers more corner cases and is thus more often correct than the manual C++14 implementation.

    The C++17 traits are used as is when the feature-test macro __cpp_lib_is_invocable is defined.

Other features

cpp-sort tries to take advantage of more than just standard features when possible, and also to provide extended support for some compiler-specific extensions. Below is a list of the impact that non-standard features might have on the library:

Extension-specific support:

  • 128-bit integers support: ska_sorter has dedicated support for 128-bit integers (unsigned __int128 or __uint128_t and its signed counterpart), no matter whether the standard library is also instrumented for those types. This support should be available as long as __SIZEOF_INT128__ is defined by the compiler.

Performance improvements:

  • Additional allocators: merge_insertion_sorter can be somewhat more performant when libstdc++'s bitmap_allocator is available.

    This improvement is made available through the check __has_include(<ext/bitmap_allocator.h>), which means that it should be available for every compiler where __has_include and libstdc++ are available (old and new Clang, and more recent GCC).

  • Bit manipulation intrinsics: there are a few places where bit tricks are used to perform a few operations faster. Some of those operations are made faster with bitwise manipulation intrinsics when those are available.