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1.7.0 — Flowers

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@Morwenn Morwenn released this 24 Jun 22:21


I spent a great deal of time during the recent confinement identifying flowers and other plants in my garden, and I also learnt to cook some of them. I was left with a a few hundred plant pictures on my phone and decided to start a tiny glitch art side project with some of the flower photos. With all those flowery endeavours behind me, it was time to come back with a fresh cpp-sort release.

New features

Chainable projections through operator| have been implemented (issue #82), allowing to apply several transformations in a row when projecting a collection's element:

struct wrapper { int value; };
std::vector<wrapper> vec = { /* ... */ };
auto&& negate = cppsort::utility::as_projection(std::negate<>{});
// Applies &wrapper::value to the elements of vec, then negate
cppsort::split_sort(vec, &wrapper::value | negate);

The new operator| only considers classes inheriting from cppsort::utility::projection_base during overload resolutions. In order to make your own projections work with you can either make them inherit from projection_base, or adapt them with cppsort::utility::as_projection.


  • The speed of merge_insertion_sort has been improved (it remains an extremely slow algorithm):

    The old implementation used std::list internally, with either std::allocator or __gnu_cxx::bitmap_allocator when available to improve the allocation speed. The new implementation uses a custom list data structure which performs a single allocation of all the nodes required by the algorithm.
  • Sorters and adapters now accept comparison functions that take their arguments by non-const reference, it is the responsibility of the caller to make sure that such predicates don't modify their parameters in a way that would affect the consistency of the sort (issue #136). Following the resolution of standard issue LWG3031 it is also the responsibility of the caller to ensure that, should the predicate accept both const and non-const parameters, the results are consistent between overloads.
  • as_comparison and as_projection can now adapt any Callable, and not just objects callable with the normal function call syntax.
  • Fixed an integer conversion warning in pdq_sort (merged a fix from upstream).
  • Fixed a signed/unsigned warning in the measures of presortedness tests.
  • Some compile time error stack traces might point directly into the cpp-sort algorithms instead of in standard library utilities, making them a bit shallower.
  • Reduce the binary size of the code generated by ska_sort a bit.


  • CMake: Catch2 is now looked with find_package first, and only downloaded if no suitable version was found on the system. This notably allows to build the test suite while offline.
  • CMake: Catch2 is not required anymore to build the examples.
  • Fix the so that it works with the most recent Conan versions.
  • Small improvements to in the benchmarking tools.

Known bugs

I didn't manage to fix every bug I could find since the previous release, so you might want to check the list of known bugs.