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jClipCorn v1.10.5

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@Mikescher Mikescher released this 25 Oct 21:59
· 576 commits to master since this release


1.10.5 Feature: Ability to add descriptions to OnlineRefs
1.10.5 Bugfix: Improved OnlineRef Paste Regexes
1.10.5 Bugfix: TryAddGenres did not save data to db
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed Exception in CoverLabel when calling setCoverDirect(null)
1.10.5 Feature: Open OnlineRef in Browser when double-clicking on StatePanel
1.10.5 Bugfix: Disallow adding duplicate AdditonalOnlineRefs
1.10.5 Task: Improved CCOnlineReferenceList.isValid()
1.10.5 Feature: Get additional OnlineRefs from UpdateMetadataDialog
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed layout in ParseOnlineDialog
1.10.5 Feature: Add additional onlinereferences to elements
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed NullpointerException in CoverPreview
1.10.5 Task: Immutable CCGenreList
1.10.5 Bugfix: EpisodeAggregator did not work with Seasons
1.10.5 Feature: Asynchronous cover loading in PreviewSeriesFrame
1.10.5 Task: Faster movement of groups in GroupManagmentFrame
1.10.5 Feature: Added new tags CamRip + MicDubbed
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed wrong cover on first hover
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed fatal error in initBackupsList
1.10.5 Feature: Async loading of covers (fixes freeze on hdd spinup time)
1.10.5 Task: Unification of FunctionalInterface's
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed sidebar selection on expand
1.10.5 Feature: Better scaling algorithm in JCoverChooser (multi-step scaling)
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed covername padded with space instead of zeroes
1.10.5 Bugfix: Do not allow backup restore without covers
1.10.5 Task: CCDate.createFromSQL should also work with extended Date strings (can happen when someone else edits db)
1.10.5 Task: Save covercache ordered
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed SQLite problems in schema
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed Serialization error for filters with empty operators
1.10.5 Feature: Better scaling algorithm in JCoverChooser (bicubic interpolation, antialising)
1.10.5 Bugfix: CoverMetaCache hash too long
1.10.5 Bugfix: Deleted cover were not removed from CoverMetaCache
1.10.5 Bugfix: Selection via Keys in FilterTree was not registered
1.10.5 Bugfix: CustomCoverDimensionFilter did not use CoverMetaCache
1.10.5 Feature: CustomGroupFilter also matches subgroups (filter setting)
1.10.5 Feature: Remember cover informations (dimensions, size, hash) in cachefile
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed OOM Exception in DatabaseValidator (with too many/big covers)
1.10.5 Task: No alpha for groups on hover
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed CoverPreviewFrame not closing on [Esc]
1.10.5 Bugfix: Fixed CoverPreviewFrame opening on single-click in JCoverChooser
1.10.5 Feature: Show groups in MainFrame only on hover (setting)
1.10.5 Feature: Show groups in PreviewSeriesFrame
1.10.5 Task: Do not render [[WATCH_LATER]] + [[WATCH_NEVER]] on cover
1.10.5 Feature: Show CoverPreview on double-click
1.10.5 Bugfix: cover overlay got permanent for cover that didnt need down-scaling
1.10.5 Feature: Show groups in PreviewMoviesFrame
1.10.5 Bugfix: removed groups were not removed from db
1.10.5 Bugfix: bool filter properties were inverted serialized
1.10.5 Bugfix: Renaming groups didn't update parents of children
1.10.5 Bugfix: CoverTooSmall Error triggered too early
1.10.5 Feature: Groups are now permanent and _need_ to be managed with the ManageGroupFrame
1.10.5 Feature: Improvements for groups ( -> database v11 )
  - Groups can have subgroups
  - Groups can be non-visible (= not drawn on cover)
  - better group managment dialog