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jClipCorn v1.10.1

Choose a tag to compare
@Mikescher Mikescher released this 12 Oct 19:39
· 716 commits to master since this release


############ 2016-10-11: 1.10.1 Task: added unspecified datetime for datetime values before the introduction of the history

############ 2016-10-10: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Show full year component in history tooltip

############ 2016-10-10: 1.10.1 Task: added unspecified time for datetime values without time component

############ 2016-10-01: 1.10.1 Task: fixed unit tests

############ 2016-10-01: 1.10.1 Task: Ignore dots in search

############ 2016-10-01: 1.10.1 Task: Added Unit Tests
  - Database Add/remove/update
  - Load full db backup
  - load single movie export
  - parse WatchData
  - parse Filenames

############ 2016-10-01: 1.10.1 Task: Automatically create backup on database migration

############ 2016-09-30: 1.10.1 Task: Order Tags in cover display by length

############ 2016-09-30: 1.10.1 Feature: Added VLC option "start with --one-instance"

############ 2016-09-09: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed deleting movie not updating group-cache

############ 2016-09-09: 1.10.1 Task: Added groups.xml and info.xml to jxmlbkp-backups

############ 2016-09-04: 1.10.1 Task: Don't show table tooltip for CCMovieScore.RATING_NO

############ 2016-09-02: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed wrong aligned label in AddEpisodesFrame

############ 2016-08-25: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed Tooltips in ClipTable

############ 2016-08-25: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed ShowIncompleteFilmSeries not finding all missing movies

############ 2016-08-24: 1.10.1 Feature: Manage group metadata via ManageGroupsFrame

############ 2016-08-24: 1.10.1 Feature: Timelinestatistic: No gravity for series re-viewing

############ 2016-08-21: 1.10.1 Feature: Added Group Metadata
  - Added new table [GROUPS] and updated DB version o 1.9
  - Added database auto upgrading
  - Added group metadata: Color
  - Added group metadata: Order
  - Added group metadata: DoSerialize (of not set file/foldernames will be unaffected by group)
  - Added SQLDeleteHelper for better PreparedStatement creation

############ 2016-08-20: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed exception when setting caret position in CCDateTimeEditor

############ 2016-08-19: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed setting movie to unviewed not resetting ViewedHistory

############ 2016-08-18: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed showing wrong dialog for CustomTagFilter and CustomYearFilter

############ 2016-08-17: 1.10.1 Feature: Added datetime and moviescore support to ParseWatchDataFrame

############ 2016-08-02: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed NullpointerException in SFixTable

############ 2016-08-02: 1.10.1 Bugfix: Fixed AddSeriesFrame not using OnlineRef from Parser

############ 2016-07-30: 1.10.1 Task: Fixed default mainframe height to show all filter in sidebar

############ 2016-07-30: 1.10.1 Task: Fixed gradle build error (java generics WTF)