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Neural Network Pruning Using Dependency Measures

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Mutual Information-based Neuron Trimming (MINT)

This repository contains code relevant to the article titled: ``Mutual Information-based Neuron Trimming''

Main Results

Experiment 1: Comparison against SOTA one-shot pruning methods

Dataset-DNN Methods Params Pruned(%) Performance(%) Memory (Mb)
MNIST-MLP Baseline N/A 98.59 0.537
MNIST-MLP SSL 90.95 98.47 N/A
MNIST-MLP Nw. Slim 96.00 98.51 N/A
MNIST-MLP MINT 96.20 98.47 0.022

Dataset-DNN Methods Params Pruned(%) Performance(%) Memory (Mb)
CIFAR10-VGG16 Baseline N/A 93.98 53.868
CIFAR10-VGG16 Pruning F 64.00 93.40 N/A
CIFAR10-VGG16 SSS 73.80 93.02 N/A
CIFAR10-VGG16 GAL 82.20 93.42 N/A
CIFAR10-VGG16 MINT 83.46 93.43 9.020

Dataset-DNN Methods Params Pruned(%) Performance(%) Memory (Mb)
CIFAR10-Res56 Baseline N/A 92.55 3.109
CIFAR10-Res56 GAL 11.80 93.38 N/A
CIFAR10-Res56 Pruning F 13.70 93.06 N/A
CIFAR10-Res56 OED 43.50 93.29 N/A
CIFAR10-Res56 NISP 43.68 93.01 N/A
CIFAR10-Res56 MINT 52.41 93.47 1.552
CIFAR10-Res56 MINT 57.01 93.02 1.461

Dataset-DNN Methods Params Pruned(%) Performance(%) Memory (Mb)
ILSVRC12-Res50 Baseline N/A 76.13 91.157
ILSVRC12-Res50 GAL 16.86 71.95 N/A
ILSVRC12-Res50 OED 25.68 73.55 N/A
ILSVRC12-Res50 SSS 27.05 74.18 N/A
ILSVRC12-Res50 NISP 43.82 71.99 N/A
ILSVRC12-Res50 ThiNet 51.45 71.01 N/A
ILSVRC12-Res50 MINT 43.01 71.50 52.365
ILSVRC12-Res50 MINT 49.00 71.12 47.513
ILSVRC12-Res50 MINT 49.62 71.05 46.925


  • For the MNIST-MLP experiment, only layer 2 is compared.

Experiment 2: Empirical analysis of filter group size and sample size

Dataset-DNN Group Size Params Pruned(%) Performance(%)
MNIST-MLP 5 86.27 98.55
MNIST-MLP 10 87.25 98.52
MNIST-MLP 20 88.48 98.55
MNIST-MLP 50 91.87 98.55

Dataset-DNN Sample Size Params Pruned(%) Performance(%)
MNIST-MLP 150 85.35 98.58
MNIST-MLP 250 88.48 98.53
MNIST-MLP 450 88.72 98.51
MNIST-MLP 650 89.70 98.53


  • For filter group size experiments, number of samples per class is 250.
  • For sample size experiments, number of groups is 20.

Usage Instructions

The code provided within each DNN folder has 3 core scripts for training, pruning and re-training. To run the training scripts, for mlp, execute a command similar to:

python --Epoch $num_epochs --Batch_size $batch_size --Lr $learning_rate --Save_dir $save_directory --Dataset MNIST --Dims $num_labels --Expt_rerun $experiment_reruns --Milestones $lr_stepping_schedule --Opt sgd --Weight_decay 0.0001 --Model mlp --Gamma $lr_decay_factor --Nesterov --Device_ids $gpu_id

To run the pruning scripts, for mlp, execute a command similar to:

python --model mlp --dataset MNIST --weights_dir $save_directory/rerun_number/ --cores $num_cores --dims $num_labels --key_id $layer_id --samples_per_class $num_samples_per_class --parent_clusters $parent_filter_group_size --children_clusters $children_filter_group_size --name_postfix $postfix

Finally, to run the re-training scripts, for mlp, execute a command similar to:

python --Epoch $num_epochs --Batch_size $batch_size --Lr $learning_rate --Dataset MNIST --Dims $num_labels --Expt_rerun $experiment_reruns --Milestones $lr_stepping_schedule --Opt sgd --Weight_decay 0.0001 --Model mlp --Gamma $lr_decay_factor --Nesterov --Device_ids $gpu_id --Retrain $save_directory/rerun_number/logits_best.pkl --Retrain_mask $save_directory/rerun_number/I_parent_postfix.npy --Labels_file $save_directory/rerun_number/Labels_postfix.npy --Labels_children_file $save_directory/rerun_number/Labels_children_postfix.npy --parent_key  $[list of parent layers] --children_key $[list of children layers] --parent_clusters $[list of parent groups] --children_clusters $[list of children groups] --upper_prune_limit $upper_pruning_limit_all_layers --upper_prune_per $top_pruning_limit_for_gridsearch --lower_prune_per $lowest_pruning_limit_for_gridsearch --prune_per_step $step_size_for_gridsearch --Save_dir $new_save_directory --key_id $pruning_selection_idx


  • All commands have to be executed under the main DNN directory.
  • The code assumes save directory has an additional folder for number of experiment reruns. Please ensure atleast 1 directory '0' exists under the results folder.
  • parent and children filter group sizes are flexible. However, ensure their values correspond across the entire DNN.
  • key_id in the pruning script corresponds to the layer index. Code assumes that 0 measures the dependency between layer 0 - layer 1.
  • children group size must match the total number of labels in the dataset for the last layer.
  • Examples of parent and children layer lists are: [fc1.weight fc2.weight] and [fc2.weight final.weight]
  • new_save_directory is an alternative save directory used for the new pruned DNN. It has to be different from the original save_directory.
  • key_id in the retraining script is used to select the pruning value requested from the list of pruning values generated between upper_prune_per and lower_prune_per at a step size of prune_per_step

BibTeX citation

  author    = {Madan Ravi Ganesh and
               Jason J. Corso and
               Salimeh Yasaei Sekeh},
  title     = {{MINT:} Deep Network Compression via Mutual Information-based Neuron
  booktitle = {25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, {ICPR} 2020,
               Virtual Event / Milan, Italy, January 10-15, 2021},
  pages     = {8251--8258},
  publisher = {{IEEE}},
  year      = {2020},
  url       = {},
  doi       = {10.1109/ICPR48806.2021.9412590},
  timestamp = {Fri, 07 May 2021 12:53:57 +0200},
  biburl    = {},
  bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}