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Battle City x Waifu x Console x MASM

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In a word, the final project of Assembly Language and System Programming class.

The game of the MASM, by the MASM, for the MASM.

(This is just a work of fiction. Any similarity is purely coincidental)



Member List:

File Structure

Main Folders

Folder Description
.\bin\ Binary files
.\inc\ Include files
.\lib\ Library files
.\make\ Compiling files
.\obj\ Object files
.\res\ Resource files
.\src\ Source files

Main Files

File Description
.\ Read me file
.\LICENSE License file
.\config.bat Configuration file
.\make.bat General compiling file
.\run.bat Run game file


Technically, the default compiling and excuting environment of this project is Windows NT with x86 or x86-64.

In the duration of making this project, the default (and only) using operation system is Windows 10 with x86-64, which is also the only operation systems we have tested.

Therefore, it is suggested that the operation system for this project should be same as that we used, Windows 10 with x86-64.

The compiling and linking files used in this project are (maybe) all packed in the folder .\make\.


In default, run this command in command-line (in the root directory of this project):


which will compile the deafult target source file. Or

make <filename>

which will compile the target source file spicified by <filename>.


The configuration file .\config.bat is a bat script file with some important settings variables inside. These configure to compile, link, and excute the associated files of this project.

Be careful when changing the values in this file, because most of them are needed to be in specific formats, about certain environments, or the file structure.

The variables set in this file would be used locally by .\make.bat and .\run.bat.


In most of situations, run the .\make.bat to generally compile the specified assembly file for this project.

This script .\make.bat depends on the configuration file .\config.bat.

This script has a optional parameter, the specific file name to be compiled. If it does not has a specific name as a prameter, it will compile the default file configured in its file.

In default, .\make.bat will use MASM compile file in .\make\masm32\.

MASM Compile Files

In .\make\masm32\, there are some default compiling files (in about latest) for this project:

  • Microsoft Macro Assembler Version 6.14.8444
  • Microsoft Incremental Linker Version 5.12.8078

which are copied from the standard MASM files in minimum to run correctly.

Used Library

In this project, the most important library is Irvine32, which is also the only outer library we used inside. Without it, this project would never be developed perhaps.


In dafault, run this command in command-line (in the root directory of this project):


which will run the deafult target exuctable binary file. Or

run <filename>

which will run the target excutable binary file spicified by <filename>.


In most of situations, run the .\run.bat to generally run the specified excutable binary file for this project.

This script .\make.bat depends on the configuration file .\config.bat, like .\make.bat.

This script has a optional parameter, the specific file name to be run. If it does not has a specific name as a prameter, it will run the default file configured in its file.

In default, .\run.bat will open a new CMD cnosole program and its console window to run the file. When the program of the file exits, this script will also exit the new CMD console program and its console window automatically and immediately.


Game Rules

The Game Rule of HITERLIN und PANZER

  • Player's Panzer
    • Have one panzer
    • Control the direction with [ARROW KEYS]
    • Fire a bullet with [SPACE] (fire one per 2 seconds, accumulate three ones at most)
    • Have three lives
  • Enemy's Panzers
    • Have three panzers
    • Automatically move and fire through certain rules
    • Have one life for each one
  • Victory Condition
    • Destroy all panzers of the enemy
  • Failure Condition
    • Run out of all three lives


Most of the operating ways are descripted in the game rule above or in the interfaces in this game.

Special Thanks

Thanks to the two teachers of the course Assembly Language and System Programming, who taught us step-by-step to program using assembly language.

Additionally, thanks to people who provided so many awesome resources that we can learn and use in the duration of developing this project.

Last but not least, we, HITLERIN und PANZER Projekt, should appreciate to each other member who was the best partner ever while all of us were developing hard.

Copyright © 2020-2021 HITLERIN und PANZER Projekt

Das letztes Projekt von Assembler-Kurs von HITLERIN und PANZER Projekt