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Politecnico of Milan [2022-2023]

Project requirements

Considering a highway as a sequence of service stations, each station is identified by the distance from the start of the highway.
The highway is runnable in both directions.
In each station some vehicles are parked, with the limitation of 512 cars for a single station.
All the vehicles are characterized by the autonomy of their battery,
A trip is identified by a sequence of stations where a driver stops; assuming as a hypothesis that the driver changes the car each time he stops in a station, and he can't change direction during his trip.
Given a couple of stations, the goal of the project is to find the best path, with fewer stops possible.
If there is more than one path, with the same number of stops, the algorithms have to choose, from right to left, the path with smaller id station value.

example: 0-50-60-90 is better than 10-30-85-90, because 60<85*

Note: you can find the official requirements: here.

Command and expected response

  • Add a new station: Add a station in the specified position.

    Expected response: "aggiunta" if the station is added or "non aggiunta" if the station is already present.
    syntax: aggiungi-stazione <station_id> [<car_number> (<car_id>)+]

    Example: (add a station in the position 10 with 3 cars with autonomy respectly of 100, 200, 300)

    aggiungi-stazione 10 3 100 200 300

    Note: this project is a part of an italian course, so commands and response are written in italian.

  • Remove a station: remove the station at the specified distance and all cars in that station.

    Expected response: "demolita" if the station has been removed or "non demolita" if the station isn't present.
    syntax: demolisci-stazione <station_id>


    demolisci-stazione 10

  • Add a new car: add a car with given autonomy to the specified station.

    Expected response: "aggiunta" if the car has been added to the station or "non aggiunta" if the station isn't present.
    syntax: aggiungi-auto <station_id> <car_id>

    Example: (add a car with 20 of autonomy in the station 10)

    aggiungi-auto 10 20

    Note: is always possible to add two cars with the same autonomy in a single station.

  • Remove a car: remove a car with given autonomy from the specified station.

    Expected response: "rottamata" if the car has been removed from the station or "non rottamata" if the station or the car doesn't exist.
    syntax: rottama-auto <station_id> <car_id>

    Example: (remove a car with 20 of autonomy from the station 10)

    rottama-auto 10 20

  • Planning the route: search for a path from the specified start station to the destination one.

    Expected response: the sequence of stations or "nessun percorso" if doesn't exist a path.
    syntax: pianifica-percorso <station_id> <station_id>

    Example: (search a path from the station 10 to the station 20)

    pianifica-percorso 10 20

Simple example of a complete execution

Below, you can find a short sequence of input commands and the correct output.
//  input                             output
aggiungi-stazione 20 3 5 10 15  //-> aggiunta
aggiungi-stazione 4 3 1 2 3     //-> aggiunta
aggiungi-stazione 30 0          //-> aggiunta
demolisci-stazione 3            //-> non demolita
demolisci-stazione 4            //-> demolita
pianifica-percorso 30 20        //-> nessun percorso
aggiungi-auto 30 40             //-> aggiunta
aggiungi-stazione 50 3 20 25 7  //-> aggiunta
rottama-auto 20 8               //-> non rottamata
rottama-auto 9999 5             //-> non rottamata
pianifica-percorso 20 50        //-> 20 30 50

alt text

Design and implementation choices

Memory structure

  • Station: the stations are memorized in a hash table.
    The station position on the highway is used as hash value (hash function: stationPosition % hashSize).

    The struct for each element of the hash table is:
    struct Station{
        unsigned int pose;       //position on the highway
        int prev;               //previous station in the path
        int32_t biggestCar;     //biggest car present in the station
        int32_t cars[carCapacity];      //all cars present in the station (carCapacity = 513)
        struct Station* next;       //next element in the single linked list (in case of collision)

    Collision are managed with the open hash idea, so element with the same hash value are saved on a single linked list.

    Note: the hash table has a dimension of 18313 elements.

    Note: the hash table is also used to save the path (saving the previous step on the prev value in the Station struct).

  • Car: cars are simply saved in an int32_t array (in the Station struct), with 513 places, in fact a station can't have more than 512 cars.
    When a car is added or removed, the algorithm has to take updated the biggestCar value (biggestCar value is needed to estimate the optimal path).

Path find algorithm

To find the optimal path the implemented algorithm is a variation of the Dijkstra algorithm, adapted to work in a single dimensional space.
For each station the algorithm take in to account the biggest car only (all the positions reachable from a car with range A are also reachable from another car with size B if B>A).
We can split the full algorithm in 3 sub operations: creation of an ordered list, the actual Dijkstra algorithm, and the path print.

  • Creation of an ordered list: in this phase the algorithm explore the entire hash table, select the stations between the start end the final position, and insert the selected station on the list head.
    When the list is completed (the algorithm has explored the entire hash table), the list is reordered with a classic quick sort (average complexity of O(n*log(n)) ).

  • Adapted Dijkstra algorithm: Dijkstra works on the ordered list, and use, as support, another list (called open list).
    To initialize the algorithm the first element (the start position) in the ordered list is added to open list and removed from the ordered list.
    The algorithm select the first element in the open list (station A), and the first element in the ordered list (station B), if from A it's possible to reach B, B is added to the open list and A is saved as B prev value in the hash table (the station B is considered reachable from A, if the biggest car of A has enough battery to cover the distance between A & B).
    When the algorithm find the first element in the ordered list unreachable from A, A is removed from the open list.
    This process is reiterated until the end position is reached.
    The implemented algorithm is a bit different if the path is from left to right (growingPath), or right to left (descendingPath) in terms of: order of the ordered list, insertion order in the open list.

    • growingPath: growing ordered list, insertion on the end of the open list.

      animated example

    • descendingPath: decreasing ordered list, customized list insertion.
      The customized list insertion work with two pointers:

      • First always point the first element of the open list.
      • Last, elements are always added in the open list on last->next.
        This pointer doesn't move until First and Last points to the same element, when this happens Last moved to the last element in the open list.
      animated example

  • path's printer: as we saw above, the path is saved on the hash table in terms of previous steps, a recursive algorithm explores the path (from the end to the start) and print it.

    //recursive method used to print the path
    void pathPrinter(int start, int end){
        int prev = hashTake(end)->prev;
        if(prev!= start) pathPrinter(start, prev);
        printf("%d ",prev);

Project evaluation

For the project evaluation has been used an online tester based on unknown test case, any way the professor supported the project with 111 testing files (reported here).
We suppose the online tester is similar in to complexity of the open_108.txt test case.

Evaluation maximums used time maximums used memory
18 19,0s 128 MiB
21 15,0s 118 MiB
24 10,0s 108 MiB
27 6,0s 98 MiB
30 4,0s 88 MiB
30_lode 1,0s 78 MiB

Our project results

maximums used time maximums used memory
0,589s 40.8 MiB

Note: most of the time is used to read and to parse the inputs.
Almost the 62% (in the 1080.txt test)

Reproduce a local test (on Linux)

Compile the program with the correct flags for the project:

cc main.c -o main -Wall -Werror -std=gnu11 -O2 -lm

Run the chosen test and save the results in a text file:

./main < ./test/open_108.txt > open

Compare the results with the attended ones:

diff ./open ./test/open_108.output.txt

Time evaluation (not mandatory):

valgrind --tool=callgrind ./main < ./test/open_108.txt >open
kcachegrind callgrind.out."sessionCode"

Note: the use of valgrind effect the real program performance, the online tester doesn't use this method to evaluate the project.
The program speed can be also influenced by the specific machine performances.