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Formica Selysi - Signs of selection on the supergene

1 - Preprocessing

1.1 - Reads processing



1.2 - Variants calling

Merge bam files: samtools merge (, v1.8)


  • Allows the multiprocessing of freebayes using the multiprocessing python module, parallelisation per scaffold/contig.

  • No filtering in freebayes leading to large memory usage (approx. 16g per core needed). To reduce memory usage, reducing the number of alleles considered per site and filtering on depth/quality/mapping quality can be added.

  • Picard CreateSequenceDictionary: java -jar picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary R=reference.fasta O=reference.dict

  • Picard SortVcf: java -jar picard.jar SortVcf I=raw_variants.vcf SEQUENCE_DICTIONARY=reference.dict O=sorted_variants.vcf


1.3 - Variants filtering

picard SortVcf I=contigs.vcf.gz O=sorted_contigs.vcf.gz SD=Fsel_M_b1v02a.dict MAX_RECORDS_IN_RAM=200000

1 - Keep only SNPs

2 - Depth and quality:

  • QD < 5.0

3 - Filtering on mapping quality (Not too stringent as Sp haplotype of the supergene largely differs from the Sm one):

  • MQ < 20

4 - Filtering on strand bias:

  • FS > 60.0
  • MQRankSum < -12.5
  • ReadPosRankSum < -8.0


1.4 - Social-form PCA

Plink command (v1.9): plink --vcf file.vcf --pca


  • To change colors according to results


2 - Analysis

2.1 - Region-based analysis

2.1.1 - Fst and Tajima's D analysis

Genome-wide scans (20kbp):

  • Tajima's D as a measure of balancing selection vcftools --vcf VCF_FILE.vcf --TajimaD 20000 --out Sm_Sp_20kbp

  • Fst as a measure of divergence between Sm and Sp vcftools --vcf VCF_FILE.vcf --weir-fst-pop Sm.txt --weir-fst-pop Sp.txt --fst-window-size 20000 --out Sm_Sp_20kbp

  • Fst as a measure of conservation within Sm vcftools --vcf VCF_FILE.vcf --weir-fst-pop Sm.txt --fst-window-size 20000 --out Sm_20kbp

  • Fst as a measure of conservation within sp vcftools --vcf VCF_FILE.vcf --weir-fst-pop Sp.txt --fst-window-size 20000 --out Sp_20kbp


  • Manhattan plot of the Scaffold03 with Scaffold01 as comparison - A: Tajima's D - B: Fst - (1) Sm and Sp divergence - (2) Conservation within Sm - (3) Conservation within Sp

  • Stats file with summary statistice for the following regions: - Inversion A - Inversion B - Inversion C - Inversion D - Centromere - Inversion breakpoints - Pseudo-autosomal regions - Rest of the genome


2.1.2 - Site-frequency spectrum

2.2 - Gene-based analysis

2.2.1 - McDonald-Kreitman tests

Script to get Tsil and Trep: python? Script to SnIPRE: pop_genome.R


2.2.2 Hyphy on genes under positive selection?