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The script tries to improve Kali Linux by installing new tools and dictionaries and bringing back some tools that don't come with kali anymore, like the old bashrc style and pip2. Furthermore, this script creates some useful aliases that you might need in your pentesting activities and some folders where you can store your shared files from HTB or THM.


I have added a config.cfg where you need to choose:

  • Tools to be installed (Default: All)
  • The keyboard layout (Default: es)
  • The hypervisor you are using (VBox or VMWare ) (Default: VBox)
  • Add configuration files (Default: true)
  • ....

I encourage you to check it out before executing the script. Also, for the variables with a path, if you do not want to be executed that part of the script, just remove the whole path like wallpaper=.


Because this script creates folders in your shared folder /media/<shared_folder>/ (VB) o /mnt/hgfs/<shared_folder> (VMWare) you need to download the repo in the same shared folder.

git clone
cd Kali-Booster
chmod +x

What does it do?

New Wallpaper

Changes the default Kali-Linux wallpaper but the one stored at ./Wallpaper.png. The actual wallpaper was made by Samiel.

Hack font

Install the Hack font on the system.

New Aliases

Sometimes you are tired of executing the same long command over and over this is why I created the following aliases.

  • mkcd: Creates and accesses the directory.
  • sttysize: Sends to your clipboard the command stty rows X columns Y with the correct rows and columns for your full TTY shell.
  • rot13: Does rot13 to the input sent through a pipe.
  • encrypt: Encrypt a folder|file with a symmetric passphrase
  • decrypt: Decrypt the encrypted folder|file with a symmetric passphrase
  • htb: Starts openvpn for hackthebox.
  • htbr: Starts openvpn for hackthebox release arena.
  • htbf: Starts openvpn for hackthebox fortress.
  • thm: Starts openvpn for hackthebox tryhackme arena.
  • certificatesDomain: Obtains the domains of the certificate of the specified URL.
  • allports: Obtains all opened TCP ports from the specified hosts.
  • allportsUDP: Obtains all opened UDP ports from the specified hosts.
  • puertos: Sends to your clipboard all opened ports obtained from the stored output of allports and allportsUDP. A file must be specified.
  • portsDepth: Scan the specified ports to the specified IPs.
  • vulns: Run the vulns Nmap scripts against the specified hosts.

New Wordlists

Hashcat Rules

Added hashcat rules at /opt/HashcatRules/

  • OneRuleToRuleThemAll


Firefox plugins

Custom Scripts

Some useful scripts are downloaded to ~/Scripts.

  • checkSMBPermissions: Checks the permissions of each SMB disk share because tools like smbmap can sometimes through false positives.

    kali@kali:~/Documents/Scripts$ ./ <DOMAIN\\USER> <PASSWORD> <IP>
    Checking share: 'ADMIN$'
    Checking share: 'C$'
    Checking share: 'D$'
    Checking share: 'print$'
      - <USER> has READ access
    Checking share: 'bills$'
      - <USER> has READ WRITE access
  • Scans all the hosts in a given network, creating a folder structure which can be very handy for later steps in a pentest.

kali@kali:~/Documents/Scripts$ ./ /tmp/massScan/
ali@kali:/tmp$ tree /tmp/massScan/
│   ├── AllPorts.gnmap
│   ├── AllPorts.nmap
│   └── AllPorts.xml
│   ├── AllPorts.gnmap
│   ├── AllPorts.nmap
│   └── AllPorts.xml
  • Based on the output of, it makes a Nmap with default scripts to get more information about each opened port.
kali@kali:~/Documents/Scripts$ ./ /tmp/massScan/
kali@kali:~/Documents/Scripts$ tree /tmp/massScan/
│   ├── AllPorts.gnmap
│   ├── AllPorts.nmap
│   ├── AllPorts.xml
│   └── PortsDepth.txt
│   ├── AllPorts.gnmap
│   ├── AllPorts.nmap
│   ├── AllPorts.xml
│   └── PortsDepth.txt
  • & A simple script that executes several 403 forbidden bypass tools for a given URL.


Interesting files at ~/UTILS/ that might be usefull during an attack.

  • LinEnum
  • Linpeas
  • LinuxExploitSuggester
  • WinPeas
  • pspy
  • PowerUp
  • PowerView
  • Shelock
  • easy-simple-php-webshell.php
  • ProcessMonitor
  • AccessChk
  • Invoke-Rubeus.ps1
  • Invoke-Kerberoast.ps1
  • Malicous images with PHP code. Made by: x4v1l0k

Changes kali behaviour

  • Doesn't lock screen or suspend the machine.
  • Configure proxychains

Brought back

  • Default old kali linux .bashrc
  • Changes the shell to bash.
  • Pip2


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