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Open Graph Protocol - Support & requirements

The Open Graph Protocol standard:
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Documentation & tools








Platform support

This support table identifies the support of Open Graph Protocol metadata across different platsforms. The supported properties are marked as either "Optional" or "Required", as interpreted from the corresponding documentation.

Property Facebook(*) Twitter(*) Pinterest(*) LinkedIn Yandex Messenger(*)
og:type Required Required Required: article Required
og:title Required Required (max 70 characters) Required Required Required Required
og:description Required Required (max 200 characters) Required Required Optional
og:url Required Required Optional Required Required
og:site_name Optional Optional Optional Required
og:locale Optional Optional
og:locale:alternate Optional Optional
og:audio (or og:audio:url) Optional Optional Required
og:audio:type audio/vnd.facebook.bridge (non-standard MIME-Type value) for the Object Type Optional audio/vnd.facebook.bridge (non-standard MIME-Type value) for the Object Type
Allowed audio file size
og:image (or og:image:url) Optional (only accepts gzip and deflate encodings) Required Optional Required Required
og:image:type image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif image/jpeg, image/png, image/webp, image/gif Optional
og:image:height Optional Optional
og:image:width Optional Optional
Allowed image file size 8MB <5 MB 5 MB
Allowed image dimensions
(width x height in pixels)
200x200 (Recommends 600x314) 144x144,
image aspect ratio 1.91:1 (Recommended. Maximum 3:1) 1:1 (Required) 1.91:1 (Recommended)
og:video (or og:video:url) Optional Optional
og:video:type video/mp4, application/x-shockwave-flash
og:video:height Required for og:video Optional
og:video:width Required for og:video Optional
Allowed video file size
Allowed video dimensions (pixels)
video aspect ratio
article:modified_time Optional
article:author Optional (Recommended if property="og:type" content="article" is used) Optional
article:section Optional
article:tag Optional



og:type defaults to website per the specification (, however most debuggers/validators complain when the property is missing, and will not show a link ("rich object/card") preview.


og:locale defaults to en_US, so if the og: property values are written in another language than (US) English (and therefore presumably the language of the HTML document is other than <html lang="en(-XX)">) then og:locale should be specified, with the appropriate ISO codes for language_TERRITORY.


og:image:alt isn't required by any of the reviewed platforms, however the property should always be specified, to provide alternative text for users with screen readers.


According to the documentation, none of the platforms require dimensions to be set for images and videos, however it is recommended to do so, to enable pre-caching. This is best documented in Facebook's "Sharing Best Practices: Pre-caching images".


The value of og:{audio|image|video}:type should correspond to the actual MIME-type of the media file.


og:url, og:{audio|image|video}(:url) should preferrably all be absolute URLs. Relative URLs (specifically for images) would likely cause images not to be displayed in some platforms.

og:{audio|image|video}:url VS og:{audio|image|video}:secure_url?

If the resource is available over HTTPS - it is recommended to set og:{audio|image|video}:url (with https:// in the URL) over og:{audio|image|video}:secure_url because both properties ultimately do the same thing, while the former is shorter, and not all the reviewed platforms' documentation mention the :secure_url version, so in worst case scenario it may not be supported everywhere :url is. Taking it one step further, og:{audio|image|video} is synonymous with og:{audio|image|video}:url, which is even shorter.


Facebook supports og:audio and other audio-related properties, however the documentation for audio (or rather specifically music: says that it is only available for whitelisted partners. Only og:audio:type with the non-standard (MIME-Type) value audio/vnd.facebook.bridge is supported - forcing developers to set a value that other platforms most likely do not consume.

Facebook Messenger only supports sharing of songs.

Twitter states that their parser will fall back to using OGP's property="og:..." as opposed to name="twitter:...", does this imply they support the equivalent og: properties to their documented twitter: properties? E.g. twitter:image:alt is supported but there is no mention of og:image:alt.

With Pinterest you must manually enable "rich pins", by first validating the markup, and then apply to enable:

You'll need to verify your Rich Pins before they'll appear on Pinterest.

To validate and apply for Rich Pins:

  1. Choose any page on your site that you've added metadata to. Enter your chosen URL below and click Validate.
  2. Correct any problems you see with your metadata.
  3. Select one of three options depending on how you marked up your page: [...]
  4. Click Apply now. Your Rich Pins will show up within the hour.

Note: You only need to validate and click apply for one link on your site to enable Rich Pins across your whole domain.

Usage summary

As the support table suggests, for the widest coverage and to get the most benefit out of your Open Graph Protocol markup, it is recommended to specify at least these following properties:

  • og:type
  • og:title
  • og:description
  • og:url
  • og:site_name
  • og:locale if the Open Graph property values are written in another language than US English (and also og:locale:alternate if applicable)
  • All URLs should be absolute
  • Always use https:// in URLs if possible

While some platforms "require" an image to be specified, it may not be possible/relevant for every web application and for every property. If possible, specify the properties and adhere to the following requirements:

  • og:image
  • og:image:type with a value of image/jpeg, image/png, image/gif or image/webp (should correspond to the actual MIME-Type of the file)
  • og:image:height and og:image:width to allow for pre-caching images
  • og:image:alt to provide an accessible name for visually impaired users who are using screen readers to understand your image
  • A maximum image file size of 5MB
  • The dimension of the image(s) should be at least 200x200px and maximum 4096x4096px

And in general, always specify sub-properties where possible, for example if og:video is used; then also set og:video:type, og:video:height and og:video:width, as some platforms may require it.


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