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Sandbox for getting to know and learn API platform, based on, but on PHP 8 and Symfony 5.3.

Clone and tweak it to your needs. Tested on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04):

  1. Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350
  2. docker-compose version 1.29.2, build 5becea4c

and Windows 10:

  1. Use Docker for Windows, at least version 3.2.1.
  2. Switch to Linux containers.
  3. Go to Settings -> Docker Engine and set experimental mode to true.


Clone repository, cd inside, create docker-compose.yml based on docker-compose.yml.dist with cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml command. If needed, change configuration according to the comments inside. Then define your APP_SECRET in the correct file based on your ENV (docker/php/[dev/prod]). You can change PHP memory limit in docker/php/config/docker-php-memlimit.init file if you want. Afterwards run:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

After that log into container with docker exec -it app.php bash, where app.php is the default container name from docker-compose.yml.dist. Then run:

composer install

From this point forward, application should be available under http://localhost:8050/, where port 8050 is default defined in docker-compose.yml.dist.

Running tests

Environment variable APP_ENV must be set to test to be able to run Kernel-/Web-TestCases based tests because Real environment variables win over .env files and this is the case in docker-based environments.

Specific case concerning test-driven development :

Solution implemented in lets you test only services which are used in application, eg. injected in controller - otherwise they will be removed from container, even in test environment. To overcome this and be able to test services not-yet used file config/services_test.yaml should be created. But the disadvantage of this is that all services' definitions from config/services.yaml must be duplicated to services_test.yaml as well but including setting _defaults.public config to true.


All PHP extensions can be installed via docker-php-ext-install command in docker/php/Dockerfile. Examples and usage:

PhpStorm configuration

Based on PhpStorm version: 2021.1.4

Open directory including cloned repository as directory in PhpStorm.


  1. Settings -> PHP -> Servers: create server with name docker (the same as in ENV variable PHP_IDE_CONFIG), host localhost, port 8050 (default from docker-compose.yml.dist).
  2. Tick Use path mappings -> set File/Directory <-> Absolute path on the server as: </absolute/path>/symfony-docker/app <-> /var/www/app (default from docker-compose.yml.dist).
  3. Settings -> PHP: three dots next to the field CLI interpreter -> + button -> From Docker, Vagrant(...) -> from docker-compose, from service php, server Docker, configuration files ./docker-compose. After creating in Lifecycle section ensure to pick Always start a new container (...), in General refresh interpreter data.


  1. Settings -> PHP -> Debug -> Xdebug -> Debug port: 9003 (set by default) and check Can accept external connections.
  2. Click Start Listening for PHP Debug connections -> + button, set breakpoints and refresh website.


  1. Copy app/phpcs.xml.dist and name it phpcs.xml. Tweak it to your needs.
  2. Settings -> PHP -> Quality Tools -> PHP_CodeSniffer -> Configuration: three dots, add interpreter with + and validate paths. By default, there should be correct path mappings and paths already set to /var/www/app/vendor/bin/phpcs and /var/www/app/vendor/bin/phpcbf.
  3. Settings -> Editor -> Inspections -> PHP -> Quality tools -> tick PHP_CodeSniffer validation -> tick Show sniff name -> set coding standard to Custom -> three dots and type /var/www/app/phpcs.xml (path in container).


Open Database section on the right bar of IDE -> Data Source -> PostgreSQL -> set host to localhost, set user to app_user, pass app_pass, database to app (defaults from docker-compose.yml.dist) Set url to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/app.


  1. Copy phpunit.xml.dist into phpunit.xml.
  2. Login into app.php container where app.php is the default container name from docker-compose.yml.dist, and run ./bin/phpunit.
  3. Settings -> PHP -> Test frameworks. Click + and PHPUnit by Remote Intepreter -> pick interpreter. In PHPUnit library tick Path to phpunit.phar and type bin/phpunit. Click refresh icon. In Test runner section set Default configuration file to phpunit.xml and Default bootstrap file to tests/bootstrap.php.


Although there are present different files for prod and dev environments these are only stubs and this repo is not suitable to run on prod environment. The idea was to create as much integral, self-contained and flexible environment for development as possible and these files are here merely to easily mimic prod env and point out differences in configuration.


Sandbox for getting to know and learn API platform, based on, but on PHP 8 and Symfony 5.3.








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