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What are HashBolt masternodes?

HashBolt is a hybrid masternode consensus. Lonero's masternode consensus allow masternodes to receive mined rewards while holding LNR for a certain locked period in order to avoid network congestion. Lonero eventually wants compatibility w/ a Proof of Computation mining proof, that is in an experimental phase. We want to build the masternode system in a way that is accessible towards many, and can create a network of scale.

A series of concepts are integrated into HashBolt in regards to how it is mathematically sound. The best way to describe it likely would be in layman terms. While Lonero's network is already fast, masternodes can make the network even faster. Imagine you are at a crowded airport looking to get to your flight as quick as possible. Now imagine that same airport, but a few people are willing to be in their cars for a certain time period to wait for their flight. Now that same airport is much less crowded, and you can get to your flight much faster. While we hate using the airport analogy, this is the easiest way to describe it. You holding LNR for a certain time period limits network stress, which is especially helpful while miners are busy on the network as well.

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In regards to HashBolt (Lonero Masternodes)







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