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My solutions to project euler problems in multiple languages

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LivInTheLookingGlass's Project Euler solutions

Windows testing¹: Windows build status Linux testing²: Linux build status OSX testing³: OSX build status

This is the repository I keep for prospective employers to look at project Euler code that I have written.

This is useful because it has defined problems and answers such that you can compare answers with other people.

This is NOT meant to help others on Project Euler problems

If you are working on Project Euler problems, DO NOT use this as a source

The repo is divided into sections for each language. The top-level Makefile will direct recipes using prefixes

  • make c_____ will go to the c Makefile
  • make py______ will go to the python Makefile
  • make js______ will go to the javascript Makefile


1: Windows testing is done on C, Python, and Javascript. C compilers are CL (MSVC 2015/2017 x86/x64) and clang

2: Linux testing is done on Ubuntu 14.04 for C, Python, and Javascript. C compilers are gcc, clang, tcc, and pcc. The pcc and tcc compilers are marked as allowed failures because tcc implements no optimizations and might have time failures, and pcc seems to have errors including <math.h> and <stdlib.h>

3: OSX testing is done on C, Python, and Javascript. C compilers are gcc and clang


My solutions to project euler problems in multiple languages






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