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Eloquent Filter

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An Eloquent way to filter Eloquent Models


Lets say we want to return a list of users filtered by multiple parameters. When we navigate to:


$request->all() will return:

	'name' 		 => 'er',
    'last_name'  => ''
    'company_id' => '2',
    'roles'      => ['1','4','7'],
    'industry'   => '5'

To filter by all those parameters we would need to do something like:

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;
use App\User;

class UserController extends Controller

    public function index(Request $request)
    	$query = User::where('company_id', $request->input('company_id'));

        if ($request->has('last_name'))
            $query->where('last_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->input('last_name') . '%');

        if ($request->has('name'))
            $query->where(function ($q) use ($request)
                return $q->where('first_name', 'LIKE', $request->input('name') . '%')
                    ->orWhere('last_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $request->input('name') . '%');

        $query->whereHas('roles', function ($q) use ($request)
            return $q->whereIn('id', $request->input('roles'));
            ->whereHas('clients', function ($q) use ($request)
                return $q->whereHas('industry_id', $request->input('industry'));

        return $query->get();


To filter that same input With Eloquent Filters:

<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;
use App\User;

class UserController extends Controller

	public function index(Request $request)
    	return User::filter($request->all())->get();



Install Through Composer

composer require tucker-eric/eloquentfilter

Define the default model filter

Create a public method modelFilter() that returns $this->provideFilter(Your\Model\Filter::class); in your model.

Not definining a filter in your model will default the filter to App\ModelFilters\{Model}Filter. For example, in our user model the filter() method will use the App\ModelFilters\UserFilter if not otherwise defined. App\ModelFilters namespace is used if there is no configuration file.

<?php namespace App;

use EloqentFilter\Filterable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;

    public function modelFilter()
    	return $this->provideFilter(App\ModelFilters\CustomFilters\CustomUserFilter::class);

    //User Class

With Configuration File (Optional)

Registering the service provider will give you access to the php artisan model:filter {model} command as well as allow you to publish the configuration file. Registering the service provider is not required as long as you have a modelFilter() method on all models using the EloquentFilter\Filterable trait OR all your model filters reside in the App\ModelFilters namespace and follow the naming convention of {Model}Filter

After installing the Eloquent Filter library, register the EloquentFilter\ServiceProvider::class in your config/app.php configuration file:

'providers' => [
    // Other service providers...


Copy the package config to your local config with the publish command:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="EloquentFilter\ServiceProvider"

In the app/eloquentfilter.php config file. Set the namespace your model filters will reside in:

'namespace' => "App\\ModelFilters\\",

Generating The Filter

Only available if you have registered EloquentFilter\ServiceProvider::class in the providers array in your `config/app.php'

You can create a model filter with the following artisan command:

php artisan model:filter User

Where User is the Eloquent Model you are creating the filter for. This will create app/ModelFilters/UserFilter.php

The command also supports psr-4 namespacing for creating filters. You just need to make sure you escape the backslashes in the class name. For example:

php artisan model:filter AdminFilters\\User

This would create app/ModelFilters/AdminFilters/UserFilter.php


Defining The Filter Logic

Define the filter logic based on the camel cased input key passed to the filter() method.

  • Empty strings are ignored
  • setup() will be called regardless of input
  • _id is dropped from the end of the input to define the method so filtering user_id would use the user() method
  • Input without a corresponding filter method are ignored
  • The value of the key is injected into the method
  • All values are accessible through the $this->input() method or a single value by key $this->input($key)
  • All Eloquent Builder methods are accessible in this context in the model filter class.

To define methods for the following input:

	'company_id'   => 5,
	'name'         => 'Tuck',
	'mobile_phone' => '888555'

You would use the following methods:

class UserFilter extends ModelFilter
	// This will filter 'company_id' OR 'company'
    public function company($id)
        return $this->where('company_id', $id);

    public function name($name)
        return $this->where(function($q) use ($name)
            return $q->where('first_name', 'LIKE', "%$name%")
                ->orWhere('last_name', 'LIKE', "%$name%");

    public function mobilePhone($phone)
        return $this->where('mobile_phone', 'LIKE', "$phone%");

	public function setup()

    public function onlyShowDeletedForAdmins()

Note: In the above example if you do not want _id dropped from the end of the input you can set protected $drop_id = false on your filter class. Doing this would allow you to have a company() filter method as well as a companyId() filter method.

Note: In the example above all methods inside setup() will be called every time filter() is called on the model

Applying The Filter To A Model

Implement the EloquentFilter\Filterable trait on any Eloquent model:

<?php namespace App;

use EloqentFilter\Filterable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;

    //User Class

This gives you access to the filter() method that accepts an array of input:

class UserController extends Controller
	public function index(Request $request)
        return User::filter($request->all())->get();

Filtering By Relationships

In order to filter by a relationship (whether the relation is joined in the query or not) add the relation in the $relations array with the name of the relation as referred to on the model as the key and the column names that will be received as input to filter.

The related model MUST have a ModelFilter associated with it. We instantiate the related model's filter and use the column values from the $relations array to call the associated methods.

This is helpful when querying multiple columns on a relation's table. For a single column using a $this->whereHas() method in the model filter works just fine


If I have a User that hasMany App\Client::class my model would look like:

class User extends Model
    use Filterable;

    public function clients()
    	return $this->hasMany(Client::class);

Let's also say each App\Client has belongs to App\Industry::class:

class Client extends Model
    use Filterable;

    public function industry()
    	return $this->belongsTo(Industry::class);

We want to query our User's and filter them based on the industry of their client:

Input used to filter:

$input = [
	'industry' => '5'

UserFilter with the relation defined so it's able to be queried.

class UserFilter extends ModelFilter
	public $relations = [
        'clients' => ['industry'],

ClientFilter with the industry method that's used to filter:

Note: The $relations array should identify the relation and the input key to filter by that relation. Just as the ModelFilter works, this will access the camelCased method on that relation's filter. If the above example was using the key industry_type for the input the relations array would be $relations = ['clients' => ['industry_type']] and the ClientFilter would have the method industryType().

class ClientFilter extends ModelFilter
	public $relations = [];

    public function industry($id)
    	return $this->where('industry_id', $id);

If the following array is passed to the filter() method:

	'name' 		 => 'er',
    'last_name'  => ''
    'company_id' => 2,
    'roles'      => [1,4,7],
    'industry'   => 5

In app/ModelFilters/UserFilter.php:

<?php namespace App\ModelFilters;

use EloquentFilter\ModelFilter;

class UserFilter extends ModelFilter
	public $relations = [
        'clients' => ['industry'],

	public function name($name)
    	return $this->where(function($q)
        	return $q->where('first_name', 'LIKE', $name . '%')->orWhere('last_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $name.'%');

    public function lastName($lastName)
    	return $this->where('last_name', 'LIKE', '%' . $lastName);

    public function company($id)
    	return $this->where('company_id',$id);

    public function roles($ids)
    	return $this->whereHas('roles', function($query) use ($ids)
        	return $query->whereIn('id', $ids);
Adding Relation Values To Filter

Sometimes, based on the value of a parameter you may need to push data to a relation filter. The push() method does just this. It accepts one argument as an array of key value pairs or to arguments as a key value pair push($key, $value). Related models are filtered AFTER all local values have been executed you can use this method in any filter method. This avoids having to query a related table more than once. For Example:

public $relations = [
    'clients' => ['industry', 'status'],

public function statusType($type)
    if($type === 'all') {
        $this->push('status', 'all');

The above example will pass 'all' to the stats() method on the clients relation of the model.

Calling the push() method in the setup() method will allow you to push values to the input for filter it's called on


If you want to paginate your query and keep the url query string without having to use:

{!! $pages->appends(Input::except('page'))->render() !!}

The paginateFilter() and simplePaginateFilter() methods accept the same input as Laravel's paginator and returns the respective paginator.

class UserController extends Controller
	public function index(Request $request)
        $users = User::filter($request->all())->paginateFilter();

        return view('users.index', compact('users'));


    public function simpleIndex(Request $request)
        $users = User::filter($request->all())->paginateSimpleFilter();

        return view('users.index', compact('users'));

In your view $users->render() will return pagination links as it normally would but with the original query string with empty input ignored.

Dynamic Filters

Sometimes you need a dynamic way to change filters on a model or maybe use multiple filters on a model. To define a dynamic filter just pass the filter as the second parameter of the filter() method:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

use App\Http\Requests;
use App\User;
use App\ModelFilters\Admin\UserFilter as AdminFilter;
use App\ModelFilters\User\UserFilter as BasicUserFilter;
use Auth;

class UserController extends Controller
	public function index(Request $request)
    	$userFilter = Auth::user()->isAdmin() ? AdminFilter::class : BasicUserFilter::class;

        return User::filter($request->all(), $userFilter)->get();


Any contributions welcome!


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