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How to write an add on for LearnPress

Pierre Rudloff edited this page Mar 21, 2018 · 4 revisions


You can easily write an add-on for LearnPress. All you need is an idea and completing a few steps for your add-on to work with LearnPress. Here they are:

Step 1: Register an add-on


learn_press_addon_register( $slug, $args )

This function registers your add on to LearnPress, so it can appear in LearnPress add-on list and when users enable your add-on, it will run accordingly.


  • $slug (string)(required)The slug name for you add-on
  • $args (array)(required) The array represent the elements that provide information about your add-on Default: none
$addon = array(
    'name'              => [ <string> ], // The name of the add-on.
    'description'       => [ <string> ], // The descriptiong of the add-on.
    'author'            => [ <string> ], // The name of the aurthor of the add-on.
    'author_url'        => [ <string> ], // The url of the author.
    'file'              => [ <string> ], // The address of the main file of the add-on.
    'category'          => [ <string> ], // The add-on category (categorize add-ons).
    'tag'               => [ <string> ], // Add-on tags.
    'settings-callback' => [ <string> ], // (optional) If your add-on need to setting, this is the add-on setting file address.


$addon = array(
    'name'              => __( 'Certificate', 'learn_press' ),
    'description'       => __( 'Allow create a certificate for student after they finish a course', 'learn_press' ),
    'author'            => 'foobla',
    'author_url'        => '',
    'file'              => LPR_CERTIFICATE_PATH . '/incs/load.php',
    'category'          => 'courses',
    'tag'               => 'core',
    'settings-callback' => '',
learn_press_addon_register( 'lpr-certificate-add-on', $addon );