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Boax: A Bayesian Optimization library for JAX.

tests pypi

Overview | Installation | Getting Started | Documentation

Boax is currently in early alpha and under active development!


Boax is a composable library of core components for Bayesian Optimization that is designed for flexibility. It comes with low-level interfaces for:

  • Core capabilities (boax.core):
    • Common Distributions
    • Monte-Carlo Samplers
  • Fitting a surrogate model to data (boax.prediction):
    • Model Functions
    • Objective Functions
  • Constructing and optimizing acquisition functions (boax.optimization):
    • Acquisition Functions
    • Optimizer Functions


You can install the latest released version of Boax from PyPI via:

pip install boax

or you can install the latest development version from GitHub:

pip install git+

Basic Usage

Here is a basic example of using the Boax API for defining a Gaussian Process model, constructing an Acquisition function, and generating the next batch of data points to query. For more details check out the docs.

  1. Defining a Gaussian Process model:
from boax.prediction import models

model = models.gaussian_process.exact(,
    models.kernels.rbf(1.0), 0.5
  1. Constructing an Acquisition function.
from jax import vmap
from boax.optimization import acquisitions

acqf = models.outcome_transformed(
  1. Generating the next batch of data points to query.
from jax import numpy as jnp
from jax import random
from boax.core import distributions, samplers
from boax.optimization import optimizers

key = random.key(0)

batch_size, num_results, num_restarts = 1, 100, 10
bounds = jnp.array([[-1.0, 1.0]])

sampler = samplers.halton_uniform(
  distributions.uniform.uniform(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1])

optimizer = optimizers.batch(
    acqf, sampler, batch_size, num_results, num_restarts,
    acqf, bounds,  

next_x, value = optimizer(key)

Citing Boax

To cite Boax please use the citation:

  author = {Lando L{\"o}per},
  title = {{B}oax: A Bayesian Optimization library for {JAX}},
  url = {},
  version = {0.1.3},
  year = {2023},

In the above bibtex entry, the version number is intended to be that from boax/, and the year corresponds to the project's open-source release.