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Lamden Node Package

This repository contains lamden node package. It consists of several containerized applications: the node software, the webserver and the events service.



$ python -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt


The Lamden node package is configured using the following environment variables:

  • LAMDEN_SK (required): The secret key of the node owner.
  • LAMDEN_NETWORK (required): The network to join (arko or testnet).
  • LAMDEN_TAG and CONTRACTING_TAG (optional): Check out available lamden and contracting tags. If not set, latest stable tags are used by default.


Run this command to purge LAMDEN_SK from bash history when you're done:

$ history -c


# Optional
$ export LAMDEN_TAG=<tag> CONTRACTING_TAG=<tag>

$ . venv/bin/activate
$ LAMDEN_SK=<your_sk> LAMDEN_NETWORK=<network> make deploy


$ . venv/bin/activate
$ LAMDEN_SK=<your_sk> LAMDEN_NETWORK=<network> LAMDEN_TAG=<tag> CONTRACTING_TAG=<tag> make redeploy


$ . venv/bin/activate
$ LAMDEN_SK=<your_sk> LAMDEN_NETWORK=<network> make reboot


$ LAMDEN_SK=<your_sk> make teardown


# Viewing the logs
$ docker logs <lamden_node|lamden_webserver|lamden_events>

# Real-time resource usage
$ docker stats

Lamden Genesis Block Downloader


This utility downloads the Lamden Genesis Block and its associated state changes from the Lamden GitHub repository. The Genesis Block contains the initial state of the blockchain, and the state changes include all the transactions that modify the blockchain's state. The script prompts you to select an environment (mainnet, testnet, or staging) and optionally allows you to specify a destination directory for the downloaded genesis_block.json file.


  • Python 3.6+
  • requests library


  1. Install the requests library:
pip install requests

Running the Script

To run the script, navigate to the directory containing the file and execute the following command:

python utils/

The script will prompt you to enter the environment (mainnet, testnet, or staging). If you don't provide any input, it will default to "mainnet".

Optionally, you can specify a destination directory for the genesis_block.json file using the -d or --dest flag:

python utils/ -d /path/to/destination

If a genesis_block.json file already exists in the specified destination, the script will prompt you to overwrite it

Once the download is complete, the Genesis Block will be saved as a genesis_block.json file in the specified destination directory.


python utils/ -d /home/user/my-genesis-blocks

This command downloads the Genesis Block and associated state changes for the selected environment, saving the genesis_block.json file to the /home/user/my-genesis-blocks directory.


We welcome contributions to this repository! If you have any suggestions or improvements, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.