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C# custom implementation for Discord Rich Presence. Unity package to easy add to your own games.


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Discord RPC Unity

GitHub package.json version
This package provides a wrapper for lachee/discord-rpc-csharp and a better experience when intergrating with Unity3D, as well as solving some tricky annoyances such as named pipes and mono.


Add the package to your project and look at the sample code. For more documentation about the RPC, check the discord-rpc-csharp documentation

Check out the documentation at


  • At least Unity 2018, however:

    • Support is only given down to Unity 2018.4.36f1 LTS
    • Support is only given up to the latest LTS
  • Newtonsoft.JSON 13

    • This is provided by com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json
    • this determines the 2018.4 min spec. You can go lower, but you need to supply your own newtonsoft.json 13.0 binary.



The openupm registry is a open source package manager for Unity and provides the openupm-cli to manage your dependencies.

openupm add com.lachee.discordrpc

Manual UPM GitHub package.json version

Use the Unity Package Manager to add a git package. Adding the git to your UPM will limit updates as Unity will not track versioning on git projects (even though they totally could with tags).

  1. Open the Unity Package Manager and Add Package by git URL...

For local editable versions, manually clone the repo into your package folder. Note the exact spelling on destination name.

  1. git clone Packages/com.lachee.discordrpc

Unity Package

Go old school and download the Unity Package and import it into your project.

  1. Download the .unitypackage from the Releases or via the last run Create Release action.
  2. Import that package into your Unity3D


By default, the DiscordManager will log to the Unity Console while in the Editor. To enable logging in builds, create a Development Build and a new discordrpc.log file will be generated with your app when it runs.


The license is MIT so do what you want;

However, i do appriciate attributations where possible and a link. Also if you plan to "fix" the library and sell it, please contribute back to this project with your fixes so others can benifit too.