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Status of CCL

elisachisari edited this page Oct 5, 2018 · 9 revisions

In its current form, CCL has the following capabilities:

  1. A cosmological model can be defined by setting wCDM parameters including neutrinos.
  2. Distances and growth function can be obtained.
  3. The cosmology can be passed to CLASS to produce matter power spectra (linear/nonlinear). External versions of CLASS can also be linked to CCL. Power spectra can also be obtained from emulators and the halo model. The effect of baryons on the power spectrum can be incorporated.
  4. Benchmarks from a code comparison project carried out within LSST-DESC can be imported and CCL outputs can be cross-checked. The benchmarks use BBKS.
  5. Angular power spectra can be produced for clustering and lensing
  6. LSST fiducial specifications are incorporated
  7. Flexible photo-z model can be incorporated
  8. Predictions for the Halo Mass Function and halo bias are incorporated
  9. 2D splines for non-linear power spectrum are implemented
  10. Correlation functions for clustering and lensing can be obtained (including a fast Angpow implementation)

Under development

  1. Modified gravity capabilities
  2. Halo profiles
  3. Link to FAST-PT

and many other features listed in our open pull requests and github issues.