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The source for generating the static site content at Like any GitHub Pages org site, the published content can be found in the master branch.


The static site is generated using Node and npm tasks, so you'll need to have both of those installed first. Once you've cloned the repository, you'll want to do:

> npm install

To make sure you have all the latest dependencies installed. You can then run any of the npm scripts defined in the package.json file to execute build tasks. The most common one when developing locally is:

> npm run watch

Which will do a clean, a build, and then start a development server on port 3000. It will watch for changes to source files and recompile as necessary.


Builds and releases of the static site are done automatically by Travis CI using the script in the root of the repository. All changes pushed to this source branch are automatically built and then if successful, the build output is merged into the master branch and then pushed to GitHub for deployment by GitHub Pages.